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Community Maps - The Village Part II by Holo

Map Name: Village Part II
Author: Holo
Release Date: 18th May 2002
File Size: 3.3 MB

[O] Village Part II by Holo


This is a continuation of Village Part I where Patrick was investigating an old Welsh village which had a terrible secret. Not much was known about the village other than it was abandoned over 100 years ago. After exploring the village, Patrick found a way to travel through an ancient portal which took him to a place far from home. Two of the villagers disappeared all those years ago after exploring the old mines, where they had also discovered the ancient construction of indeterminate age or origin.

Patrick continues his journey to try and find the source of evil which contaminated the village. He arrives at an extremely dangerous place ruled by a mysterious and powerful sorceress who has discovered the secret of immortality. But has Patrick finally met his match and will he escape from the depravity and horror which resides there?

NOTE: There are 2 possible endings to this map.


Click on an image to view the larger version.

Download Instructions

Download Village Part II - Updated.

NOTE: There was a bug in one of the maps related to the Mindshatter spell. If you have already downloaded the full map pak you can download the updated map from here (638K) and place into the Undying/Maps folder. The full map pak zip file has also been updated and includes the fixed version.

The Village Part II has been compressed using Winzip. After unzipping there should be 13 files plus the readme file. Please read the readme file first for further instructions on where to extract the files and how to play the map.