Open the Actor Browser and select invisible->info->journalentry.
Right click on JournalEntry and select "new" (creates a new class as a sub class of JournalEntry), name the package, eg yourjournal and give it the same name eg yourjournal.
Go to the Edit script window (or open one up if it has been closed) and go to Tool-compile changed. This will compile your script. Now resave your new package.
Right click on the new package and edit the script. Make sure that the new package expands JournalEntry. If not just edit your new script so it does, eg "class yourjournal expands JournalEntry;" You should now have a file in the game's System folder named yourjournal.u
Now select yourjournal, right click on it and create a new sub class, where the package will be "yourjournal" and the name "yourjournal1".
Compile changed and save again. Open up the script and check to see if yourjournal1 expands yourjournal and not journalentry. Edit the script if needed, then recompile and save.
Test your new class by adding a journal entry (int file with same name as yourjournal package). For a more detailed explanation of how to do this see Osiris' excellent tutorial on creating journal entries using Unded1
[O] Getting a journal entry to trigger at start of level
Set up a document and hide it in a square box or in a wall, or even within the floor, or an adjacent room as long as it out out of sight. Set it's tag, eg jour1.
Set up a dispatcher with the tag LevelBegin and set the first "Out Event" to the tag of the journal pickup, eg jour1.
That's it - hopefully it should all work :).