Release Version: v1.481
      Alpha Version: v1.482

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v1.480 Archive: Default Keys Listing
General Keys

F1 Ingame Assistance (Help)
F2 Navigation Display / Tactical display toggle
F3 Ship Systems status / Repair Functions and Queue
F4 Chat Window and Player Profile
F5 Planet Managment Screen
ALT + P FPS Display
ALT + T Take Screenshot

Navigation Keys - Note: some of the commands from tactical display also works here
X - Mouse Wheel Up Zoom out
Z - Mouse Wheel Down Zoom In
SHIFT + X Quick Max Zoom Out
SHIFT + Z Quick Max Zoom In
J Activate Jump Drives
SPACE Center on selected target
Shift + G Toggles Spheres of influence
Shift + O Toggles Planet orbital lines
Shift + K Toggles Ship orders
A Order selected player to attack an target
C Order selected player to Capture target
D Order selected player to Defend an target
M Order selected player to move to an target
N Order selected player to Cancel last order
Tactical Keys

A or Right Arrow Right Turn
D or Left Arrow Left Turn
S Stop Turning
W or Up Arrow Increase Throttle
Q or Arrow Down Decrease Throttle
Left mouse button Target select
Right mouse button Modify Camera perspective freely
X Camera Zoom out
Z Camera Zoom in
Mouse Wheel - Zoom In/Out

C - Camera View of the Target

SPACEBAR Fire All Weapons In Firing Range of Selected Target (Also known as Alpha-Striking)
B Fire MIRVs or Proton Cruise missiles if more than one type of Bomb on ship fire them all
Shift - B Detonates All Current Deployed Bombs
M Drop Mine if more that 1 mine tube it will fire them all, they will last 15 min.
Shift - M Detonate all mines

R Remove Selected Component
Shift-E Jetison Selected Component In Cargo Hold

N Deploy Fighters
Shift-N Recall Fighters to Ship

T Activates Tractor Beam (If equipped) (Drags Objects Toward you)
Shift - T Activates Tractor Beam (If equipped) (Drags Objects Away from you)

Shift - S Remove (aka Scrap) Selected Structure (Twice to Confirm and Remove)

Y Activate Reloads (Only if Equipped) on selected target. (Supply Ship Feature Only)

SHIFT + Y Active Reloads on Yourself (Supply Ship Feature Only)

Control-B Toggle Auto-Point Defense

[ Scanner range decrease
] Scanner range increase
F Follow Selected Target

G Dock with target
O Orbit when in orbit distance of planet
U Unload troops and RES

L Load troops / Resources

TAB Toggle on / off all icons (clean screen view)
Control-D Self-destruct
Self-destruct requires you press Control-D twice, to start a 10 second countdown.
Anytime during the countdown, you can press Control-D again to abort the self destruct.
minus -5 points to your prestige for self destruction.

J Jump to selected target or coordinate or stop in mid jump

SHIFT + J Emergency jump (Damages Jump Drives)

Rotating Shielding (ICC Warships ONLY)
Pull charge from other shield facings.
Each time you press the key, it draws 10% of the charge from all other shield facings.

NUMPAD8 Front Shields
NUMPAD6 Right Shields
NUMPAD4 Left Shields
NUMPAD2 Aft Shields
NUMPAD5 Full shields
CTRL+S turn on/off all shields

Shift + key turns on/off single selected shield
Shift + NUMPAD8 or Shift + mouse Click on Front shield icon turn off Front facing sheild.

Targeting Keys

T Next target
E Next hostile target
R Next friendly target
Control-R Target the closest supply ship or depot
Control-J Target the closest friendly jumpgate


    v1.481 Introduction
    What is Darkspace?
    Why Should I Subscribe?
    Purchase/Subscription Info
    System Requirements
    About the DS Factions
    Darkspace Badges
    The Player Ranks
    Complete Ship List
    MetaVerse Planets Listing
    Ship Capturing

    DS Academy Home
    Getting Started
   Getting Started Part 2 (Ingame)
   Getting Started 3 -  Navigation
    How Shipyards Work
    Barren Planet Build Guide
    Planet Types Guide
    Shipyard Manners Guide
    Starports & Basic Modding
    1.481 Building Guide (Part 1)
    1.481 Building Guide (Part 2)

  Fleet Dueling Tournament
  Signups Closed
  Meeting (7/22/04 - 7pm EST)


        (07/20/04 - 10pm EST)
        (07/27/04 - 10pm EST)
        (08/03/04 - 10pm EST)



*Green Events = Public
*Teal Events = Private

     *Official Darkspace Website

         *Run by [Admin]Trag
*Winamp Required for DS Radio.


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