Academy: 1.481 Building Guide - Part 2 - Advanced Construction
1.481 Building
Guide - Part 2 - Advanced and Shipyard Constructionn
A Darkspace Connection Guide for v1.481 and Beyond
Guide made by: Baikon & Baron Von Virtu
This guide is property of its author, except where Palestar may apply,
And may not be reproduced without the author's permission
Advancing Your Planet
Last part we left off with a simply
defended planet. Simple meaning only level 1 technology on the planet.
Upon getting at least 4 Defence Bases to defend your buildings, you
won't need to worry about enemies too much.
Though bombs will still get through, the defence bases act as a deterrent,
however small, to bombers. Most bomber piolets are looking for an easy
target, so use this against them. They may actually try to approach
the planet to see if they are really a bunch of defense bases, or a
bunch of depot/sensor bases. Anyway, if you want real defensive power
for your planet, you will want to upgrade to defense a fighter base
type III. To do this, you need about 90 technology. This will take quite
some time to build up. As it increases, you will want to advance your
other buildings as they become available. You may want to upgrade to
a quantum generator, as it providesmore power then a Fusion Generator.
Upgradeing reserch labs to Subspace Networks will increaseyour tech
level and gather rate. Eventually you will want to replace those with
Cortex Nexus and Variance Generators, as they provide the best output
for those two areas. As well, upgrade to defence base type II as quickly
as possible, they provide moderate defence for an ok price. At the end,
upgradeing to defence base type III will provide the best defence for
your planet. Feel free to add Fighter Base IIIs as well, they will launch
3 fighters each. Defence Bases will shoot 3 Point Defence lasers, 2
IT missiles, and currently, a
Particle/Railgun/PSI cannon. It is best to place defence bases all around
the planet, as they will also shoot down enemy infantry assult pods.
Finally, add as many extras as you think the planet needs. EX more
*Note: As the building gets
more advanced, so does the resource and population requirements get
high. Whatch your power and population closely, some buildings require
absurdly hight amounts of power and workers.
When building shipyards, keep one
REALLY EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not in mineral sense,
but in population and power. A shipyard requires 30 workers and 60 power.
This is around half of a Terran planet's maximum worker limit without
any buildings on it. So, obviously, the best planet to build on would
be a Terran. I VERY HIGHLY reccommend you build the Shipyard on a Terran
planet, as its the only type that can even slightly defend itself while
providing enough tech and power to proficently run the shipyard. Be
warned, if you build a shipyard, you will find there won't be much room
on the planet for anything else. However, it is neccessairy to have
at least one per team to get anything bigger then a frigate, so choose
your location wisely.
Shipyards VS Planet type
Terran: Build shipyards
here. Always try to secure one immediately, as they also usually have
all the resources or most of the resources neccessairy to build ships.
They also can hold a very large population, which makes your life a
lot easier.
Desert/Ocean/Ice: These planets are alright for shipyard building.
However, they can only support half the population naturally that a
Terran can. Be prepared to cut back on defenses if you build on one
of these planets.
Barren: Possibly the worst
planet to even think of building on normally, I highly recommend you
reconsider your shipyard location. This planet type will barely be able
to support ANY defence, let alone be able to produce ships larger then
cruisers at best.
-End of part 2-