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Darkspace Academy: Planet Types - By: Baron Von Virtu

Planet Types
A Darkspace Connection Guide for v1.481 and Beyond
Guide made by: Baron Von Virtu
This guide is property of its author, except where Palestar may apply,
And may not be reproduced without the author's permission.


So, as you may have noticed in Darkspace, there's a few different types of planets in Darkspace, as is labeled underneath planet names. In this guide we will learn a little bit about the Planet Types.

Inferno Planets: A planet of fire and chaos, these planets cannot support structures, nor life.

Gas Giants: A gas giant is, well, a gas giant, and cannot support structures nor life.

Barren Planets: These types of planets make up the primary number of planets in the Darkspace universe. The name explains them pretty much, barren, void of life or water. These planets can support 0 Population and 0 Food without any structures,

Ocean Planets: Ah, Ocean Planets, they're so...wet. Ocean Planets have much food to start out with because of it's vast oceans filled with yummy things to eat. But since it is mostly ocean, it can support very little population to start out with. These planets can support 20 Population and 60 Food without structures.

Ice Planets: Ice planets, they're cold, but look pretty. These planets can support a small amount of food and population. These planets support 20 Population and 30 Food without structures.

Arid Planets: Think of them as a planet with much of it being a desert. It can support a bit of population, but there is less food avaiable. These planets support 20 Population and 10 Food without structures.

Terran Planets: Vast blue planets of rich soil and beauty, these planets are the pride of them all. Planets just like Earth exist out there in the universe. Supporting a vast number of population and food already, these are the best planets you can find, yet are rare. These planets support 50 Population and 50 Food without structures.

And that's all for the Planet Types guide, hope this helped ya out.

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