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Sono Interviews Reason

Reason, tell us how Agents was founded and a short history of the fleet, please.
The Fleet was founded by AgentFritz, originally as a Counter-Strike clan, but we evolved and joined different games.
AgentFritz joined the Beta, and then got the rest of us hooked! The main core of Agents all live in the same city (or at least did), so it was easy to communicate.
Our main Rivals were the el33ts, the biggest Fleet in DS during the Beta other than DI.
To make a long story short, before the end of the Open Beta, we outnumbered the el33ts and we pretty much owned them.
From the beginning of pay to play until now, Agents has been here through just about everything, and we while we have our ups and downs, the main goal in Agents is to have fun together and play as a team.
We will be here until the end!

If there were one thing you could put to #1 on Faustus's TODO-List, what would it be?
Hmm, tough one, since I know that list, and its mighty long.
I would say balance...

Good answer, how do you think the Game can achieve balance?
Personally, I would say it was pretty well balanced around version 1.2 just before 1.3, the `modding` patch. However, due to customer complaints (whiners) things got mixed up... I believe the best thing to do would be to remove the armor from the K’luth again, throw the Cloak back to how it was, and make torps non-tracking again, too. The tracking torpedoes change is a big one I would like to see removed. In addition, the K’luth were designed as a hit-n-run faction, not to rush into battle and hold out.

I couldn’t agree more, TorpSpace isn’t as much fun.
So, what is your favourite element of the Game, and what do you like least?

Hmm, least favourite thing in the game...I would say it would be the attitude of the player base these days. Every time I go into the MV it seems the gameplay has gone down just that much more... The balance is shifting from playing the game to playing the game system.
But I would say the best part is also the players. Its nice to play against another living, thinking (I hope) breathing life form instead of code. However, AI is fun to swear at j/k

You are involving yourself with the game beyond your Moderator duties, what additional tasks do you take on as a Staff member?
As a Dev Team member I work on Mapping/Scripting and other various tasks.
I also believe the Staff benefits from my almost 2 years of experience (November is 2 years on staff)

How were your first experiences when you started the game?
Well, before I joined, I was watching AgentFritz play, he spent an entire month trying to get me to play, but I just made fun of him and didn't feel like trying it. Then, one day I was bored, so he finally got me to try it. I watched him play for a good hour, then I started up and I was pretty much hooked. I would say I got most of the `n00b` out of me in the first half hour, and after that I got better with time.
Yep, I still remember that after 2 years.

Tell us about an ingame event of interest that you would like to share.
It was the first time the K’luth, mainly PB, were taking over ICC space. We were down to Cygnus, Ross and Epsilon Ind, everything else including CD belonged to the K’luth. All four of us from Agents logged on only to find no one in CD defending against them. So, we noticed why, PB had at least 4-8 ships, all waiting to jump anyone that left the gate zone. I grabbed my scout, jumped to a planet, and got jumped by KC. Since they held CD, all we could afford for ships was scouts.
After he killed my scout about 4 times, I started yelling at him about how no-one else would fight, but we were there fighting and we weren't going to stop, and we would keep on jumping over and over...and finally, I guess he felt sorry for us or something but he ordered everyone out for about an hour...
That’s why I respect KC, he understands the situation better than most...

What Players do you respect most as Pilots or Companions?
I would say those players that aren't here for their stats...The Players that are playing for their team, the ones willing to sacrifice ship after ship if it will hold off an invasion. (No, not SDing over and over, throwing ship after ship at them)
I would also say pretty much any player that has been in Agents, or is currently a member.
And those that have been here a while, and know I respect them.

What about the Gaifen Pack?
Heh... That would be my personal Pack of Gaifens...
They used to fly around and follow my Orb...every once in awhile they would start chewing on it, so I would have to show them the Rolled up Newspaper.
Anyone that messed with me would have to deal with several million Gaifens from the Gaifen Pack...
[Red. note.: The “Orb” is a since removed feature that gave moderators access to a special “Moderator Orb” ship to use for moderating on Game Servers]

What is it that makes DarkSpace stand out amongst other MMOSS’s for you in Gameplay?
Well, I can't stand some of the others out there...and I would probably like MOO3, except for the Turn-Based style. I would say it’s unique because of the playerbase and the fact that the communities’ input actually is considered and has a chance to make it into the game...

What are your thoughts about the upcoming new release?
At first, when I went into beta for the first time, I was shocked and didn't like it. Then, as I explored and played around a bit, I realized I didn't like it mainly because it was change...Just something that you need to get used to, since its been quite awhile since we have had the 3 week patch releases.
Well, other than gameplay-wise, I believe it will help to make all the things we have planned a reality. And it is a step in the right direction.
A lot of things have gone into this patch to help pave the way for future developments, I just hope the rest of the players also see this as a stepping stone towards great things!

Some final words you would like to bring to our readers?
May the Gaifen be with you, gnawing at your bulkheads...
[-[A]-]|2eason slaps [PB]sono upside the head with a Gaifen, cloaked as a planet, piloted by a Moderator!
Because as we all know Gaifens can cloak as planets.

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    1.481 Building Guide (Part 2)

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