July 31,
2003 |
Post Mortem
The Adrenaline Vault has a Nexagon Post Mortem written by Strategy
First's Alex Parlour. Find out what went right and what went wrong
during the game's development.
7:00am | Chimaeros
Deeko Review
Deeko.com gives Nexagon an 8 out of 10:
Nexagon Deathmatch is a very entertaining title. With it's fine
blend of chess based tactics and action, the game is a total delight.
7:00am | Chimaeros
July 30,
2003 |
Gamer's Hell Review
Gamer's Hell reviews Nexagon, giving it an overall 7.5:
Despite the quality of the graphics, the gameplay
and the music more than make up for it. This game is definitely original
and addictive. If you are looking for something totally new this might
be up your alley. There are a lot of things to do in the game and it can
keep you busy for quite a while. What’s better is the chance to go
against people online and see how they stand against your team.
The graphics bring the score down with a 6.5, but gameplay and
multiplayer rate an 8.5 and 8.0 respectively.
7:15am | Chimaeros
July 29,
2003 |
GameSpot Review
GameSpot gives Nexagon a 6.1(fair) in their
If you can overlook the frustrating controls and a few missing
features, you'll find that Nexagon: Deathmatch is actually a decent
strategy game that offers a fairly distinctive gameplay experience.
Despite the difficulty you'll likely have in finding online opponents,
the game does offer a good variety of pits, as well as four uniquely
designed playable sides.
Interestingly enough, one negative the author notes is the lack of
multiplayer games on the net. This should not be a surprise to
anyone since the game, while "released" is hard to find - see my post
below. Once people actually have the game, we should see some games
cropping up.
5:20pm | Chimaeros
In Store(s)
I can confirm that the game is in stores...or at least EBX and its various
incarnations. Other stores seem to have no idea of its existence or
like Gamestop keep pushing back their ship/release date. Why this
would be is beyond me. According to Gamestop I won't see my copy
until after August 5. Unless of course they push it back again...
If you have the game and would like to help with bringing the site up to
current, feel free to email me and info, unit stats, or whatever else you
5:20pm | Chimaeros
July 24,
2003 |
According to Strategy First's
Press Release, Nexagon has shipped to retail stores. Head
on over to their
and send someone you care about an E-card...or to your enemy, whichever
works for you. As soon as I have my copy I'll begin the process of
making the site's info current to the release version.
7:15am | Chimaeros
GameZone Review
GameZone has posted a review of Nexagon, giving it an
impressive 8.3:
This is a solid combat game that looks
good and plays well. It will take some time to get into it, but much
more than a reflexive exercise, this is a game that requires forethought
in the pre-battle stages, measured action during the battle phase, then
analytical planning afterwards to prepare for the next competition.
7:15am | Chimaeros
July 16,
2003 |
Gaming Excellence has posted a new preview - here's a snippet:
Overall, this game looks like it will be incredible
on many levels, at least at this stage in its development. The graphics
are amazing and the gameplay offers a solid challenge, with near endless
strategies for both success and defeat.
7:15am | Chimaeros
July 10,
2003 |
Pre-Order Exclusive
Gamestop is offering an exclusive "Free Agent" feature if you
pre-order Nexagon from them. Free Agent will allow you to add a unit
to your squad from any army type. The game is retailing for $39.99.
7:15am | Chimaeros
Strategy First has posted a short
interview with Senior Producer George Chastain
with such questions as "How did the idea for Nexagon Deathmatch
first come about?" and "What are
some of the stand-out features of the game?"
7:15am | Chimaeros
June 25,
2003 |
Release Date
EBGames.com &
Gamestop now list a ship date of July 22.
7:00am | Chimaeros
June 19,
2003 |
E3 2003 Trailer
The Nexagon: Deatmatch trailer from this year's E3 is available for
download at
8:00am | Chimaeros
June 9,
2003 |
It's Alive!
Well...almost. According to
EBGames.com &
Gamestop, Nexagon: Deathmatch should be shipping around July
8th for $39.99.
6:40pm | Chimaeros