Characters Hazard Team :: Voyager Crewmembers
Captain Kathryn Janeway
Commander of the USS Voyager, which became stranded in the Delta Quadrant on stardate 48315.6. After which Captain Janeway ordered the ship to begin a 70 year journey home. Whilst on the journey, Janeway has confronted many new and violent alien species such as the Kazon, Hirogen and Species 8472. She has also played a role in saving 29th century Earth as well as making the first Federation alliance with the Borg.
Commander Chakotay
Chakotay originally left Starfleet to join the Maquis resistance movement to protect his home colony from the Cardassians, Chakotay's ship and crew were pulled into the Delta Quadrant along with the USS Voyager. After the realising that both ships were stranded, Chakotay agreed to integrate his crew aboard Voyager and was assigned as the ships first officer.
Lieutenant Commander Tuvok
Chief security and tactical officer aboard Voyager, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok has had a long a distinguished carrer dating back to serving aboard the USS Excelsior. Tuvok is a Vulcan and bounded by logic, and has superior physical and mental skills. Realising that Voyager's resources were being constantly drained by alien attacks while on theit journey home, Tuvok assembled an elite Hazard Team to tackle the most dangerous assignments.
Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres
Half Klingon and originally an engineer aboard Chakotay's Maquis ship, Lieutenant Torres impressed Captain Janeway on one of the ships early missions in the Delta Quadrant and was made chief engineer after the death of the original engineering chief when Voyager was transported to the Delta Quadrant. Although she has a hot temper, Torres' skills have saved the ship on more than one occassion.
Ensign Thomas Paris
Discharged from Starfleet after covering up a shuttle accident, he was almost immediatley imprisoned when it was learned he had been working for the Maquis. Paris agreed to help Captain Janeway on her first mission to find Chakotay's ship. He was reactivated and assigned as the ship's CONN officer after the ship became stranded in the Delta Quadrant. He is the first pilot to cross the warp ten threshold.
Ensign Kim
Assigned as Bridge operations officer, the USS Voyager was Ensign Kim's first assignement after leaving Starfleet Academy. Kim is close friends with Ensign Paris, and although inexperienced, is a capable engineering mind aboard the ship. Desperate to find a way home, Kim often jumps at opportunities, even when extremley dangerous.
Crewman Seven of Nine
Originally named Annika Hansen, Seven of Nine is a human who was assimilated along with her parents while studying the Borg in the mid 23rd Century. After breaking the alliance with Voyager when they defeated the Species 8472 threat, the Voyager crew severed her link to the Borg Collective and have helped her adapt to human life aboard the ship. Having now become a valued member of the crew, Seven of Nine serves in Astrometrics.
Crewman Neelix
A Talaxian who helped Voyager during their first mission in the Delta Quadrant, Neelix requested to join the Voyager crew as a guide to the unfamiliar territory. Friendly with all of the Voyager crew and eager to serve a vital role aboard the ship, Neelix prepares food in the Mess Hall, saving on replicator energy.