Zoda's Revenege » Enemies
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Chapter 8 Enemies
Big Jelly    
Big Jellies are just like big blobs in Zelda. They're big, and they spit bullets at you. When you kill them they split into three Small Jellies.

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Knights walk around and shoot three shots at a time at you.

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Gold Knight    
Gold Knights are the same as regular Knights, except they carry a shield, so you can only attack them from behind.

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Zodasaurs spit out big balls at you when you come into their sight. They'll be seen in later chapters as well.

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Rockmen walk around slowly, and then explode when you kill them.

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The Knives come out of the ground to slice you as you ride by on Arrow Tiles in this chapter.

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The Big Jellies are just like the big jelly enemies from Zelda.



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