Zoda's Revenege » Enemies
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Chapter 7 Enemies
Big Gray    
Big Grays walk around slowly, but then take a quick burst forward, so watch out.

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These are just like the Noctos in StarTropics. They fly around the room to sometimes stop and rest. The Pink Noctos are thrown out by Zoda-Y.

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Deadly Ghost    
The Deadly Ghosts can only be harmed by shooting the headstone on its back. Hitting it will also cause the Ghost to shoot at you.

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Ghostly Group    
Ghostly Groups can only be harmed by attacking the purple leader. They all shoot at you before the disappear.

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Sorcerers creat glass orbs which will fly at you if you hit them.

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Frankenstein's Monster    
After one hit, the top part of these slow moving creatures will be destroyed, leaving fast running legs.

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Monster's Wife    
This enemy will drop bombs around the room.

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Mini Monster    
Mini Monsters don't do anything more than run around the room.

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