Zoda's Revenege » Enemies
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Chapter 4 Enemies
Rats are kind of like the Rattus from StarTropics. They run around and stop to spin then run some more.

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These are not the Jelly enemies from StarTropics, these are new type of Jelly. They hop around the room.

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Owls fly, so you can't hit them unless you jump, or attack them from a higher platform. The jerks can still hit you from their height though.

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Alien Bug    
These fellers are tough stuff. They take a lot of shots, and they spit bullets at you.

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Big Rat    
Big Rats move just like the little Rats, but they can attack with their tail.

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Zoda Spawns    
Making their way back from StarTropics is the Zoda Spawns! They just move around and hop from place to place. They're really easy to kill.

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