StarTropics & Zoda's Revenge » Maps and Scans
This section is dedicated to StarTropics and Zoda's Revenge scans from players guides. You can also find level maps and tips for these games within the scans.
Nintendo Power Vol. 22 - StarTropics
Issue_20 - Front Cover - Index - Page_1 - Page_2 - Page_3 - Page_4 - Page_5 - Page_6 - Page_7 - Page_8 - Page_9 - Page_10 - Page_11 - Page_12 - Page_13 - Poster_Map - Back_Page

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Nintendo Power Vol. 23 - StarTropics
Front Cover - Index - Page_1 - Page_2 - Page_3 - Page_4 - Page_5 - Page_6 - Page_7 - Page_8 - Page_9 - Page_10 - Page_11 - Page_12 - Page_13 - Page_14 - Page_15 - Page_16 - Page_17 - Page_18 - Page_19 - Page_20

To the top of the page.

StarTropics Box

To the top of the page.

Nintendo Game Atlas - StarTropics
Front Cover - Index - Page_1 - Page_2 - Page_3 - Page_4 - Page_5 - Page_6 - Page_7 - Page_8 - Page_9 - Page_10 - Back_Cover

To the top of the page.

Nintendo Power Step-By-Step Guide - StarTropics
Page_1 - Page_2 - Page_3 - Page_4

To the top of the page.

Zoda's Revenge Box

To the top of the page.

Game Players - Zoda's Revenge
Game_Players_Cover - Index - Page_1 - Page_2 - Page_3 - Page_4

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Nintendo Power - Zoda's Revenge
Index - Page_1 - Page_2 - Page_3 - Page_4 - Page_5 - Page_6 - Page_7 - Page_8

To the top of the page.

Nintendo Power - Zoda's Revenge
Index - Page_1 - Page_2 - Page_3 - Page_4 - Page_5 - Page_6

To the top of the page.

Nintendo Power Misc. - Zoda's Revenge
Game_n_Watch - Next_Issue

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How about some walthrus to go with those maps?



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© 1990 - 2004 Nintendo, Layout/information © 2004 Mitchel Kennedy - Hosted by Classic Gaming