Yum Yum
Yumyum is the monster that has been eating the cavechildren of Chapter 2. He is the first boss you encounter. Yumyum is a very easy boss. Try to hit him a lot while he's chowing down, and watch out for his gassey boubles.

Scorpion Mother
The Scorpion Mother does nothing to hurt you unless you kill one of her offspring, then she'll toss rocks(er somethin') at you.

Monster Mask
Monster Mask spits bullets at you. If you hit 'em enough, his face will start to turn around to a Skull, and he'll shoot big beams at you, which can really hurt if not avoided.

Max Zoda Spawn
This Zoda Spawn doesn't do much more than sending out little Zoda Spawns at you. You have to jump around it on those Brick Platforms, while trying to hit it. It is a very easy boss.

Zoda-X is a clone of Zoda from StarTropics. He'll disappear and reappear in random places, each time throwing skulls at you or setting a ring of flames around you. What makes this boss hard is that you have to fight him in a room covered with randomly directed Arrow Tiles.

Rock Bandit
The Rock Bandit will come closer and closer to you every time he hurls a boulder at you. Be aware than he can block your shots with his boulders.

Mashing Miner
Mashing Miner is protected by moving boulders that can hurt you. He jumps and slams his hammer on the ground, leaving Mike unable to move for a moment. Watch out because when he does this rocks fly from his hammer. Try using the Big Star while fighting him.

There are no new bosses in this chaper.

Zoda-Y starts off in his Zodaesque form, shooting buttlets and Noctos at you as he appears. After defeating his first form he transforms into a big Owl-like creature. In this form he sends Noctos out at you, and flaps his wings. The wind from his wings will push you into the spikes if you're not careful. Watch out for his deadly feathers that fly from his wings when he flaps!

Knight Rider
This Knight Rider strolls back and forth in the center of the screen, shooting lazer-things at you. It's hard to hit him because you're sent around the room via Arrow Tiles.

The Dragon is a fun boss. He moves slowly down the screen, and takes time to place his head down to breath fire at you. Once he gets to the bottom of the screen, he'll fly back to the top while spitting little bits of fire at you. You have to jump to hit him in his head(that's his weak spot). All the while, there will be spikes popping up from the back of the room.

Dead C-Serpant
Oh-oh! He's back! This living Dead C-Serpant is just like the original, except that he can move left to right, and his firey breath is much more of a threat. You can only hurt him when his mouth is opened.

Careful! Because after you defeat the Dead C-Serpant, you'll have to fight every boss in the game all over again in order to reach the final boss. Geeze, this isn't Mega Man, why do I have to fight the bosses again? Pfftt..
This is the final boss of the game.. the leader of the Zodas. His first form is Zoda Spawns, in which you can only hurt one. His second form is that of Invader Zodas. He shoots bullets at you, as well as spheres which turn you into a wild boar for a short while. In his third form, he does the same, as well as dropping bombs, and sending flames accross the room. In this form he can also spin around like a tornado.

Zoda-Y is a clone of Prime Invader Zoda from StarTropics.
The dead C-Serpant is the C-Serpant from StarTropics.