The Golden Axe Resource, Death Adder's Castle

Ask the Death Adder


Dear Death Adder,

I am 15 years old girl and I like to date boys my own age.  My mother says that if I keep dating, I will build myself a bad reputation.  What do you think?  Am I too young to date?



Dear Too-Young-To-Date,

Can you take the color from a butterfly's wings?

Can you squeeze the beauty out of a rainbow?

Can the majesty of a waterfall be tamed?

I don't know the answers to these questions . . . but do you know who does?  You mother.  She seems to have ALL the answers!

From now on, I am your father.  And together, we will rule the world.


Your father, The Death Adder


Dear Death Adder,

Congratulate me!  My wife is pregnant and I am so proud.  Oh, the plans we need to make.  I was wondering, what would be a good name for a beautiful baby girl?  There are so many things we need to do so I'm looking for help wherever I can.



Dear Dad-to-Be,

Why do you need to name the girl for?  I thought you said you were proud.  Most municipalities have orphanages and night-time drop boxes so you don't have to face the shame of having a girl-child.  The new parents (who will probably use her as a servant of some kind) will give her a suitable name.

Better luck next time,

Death Adder


Dear Death Adder

I need help!  Nobody at work is taking me seriously.  Each day I try and offer suggestions like: Maybe we should form an office pool to pay for our water cooler.  Nobody listens.  I want the respect I think I deserve.


Mr. No-Respect

Dear Mr. No-Respect,

Sure, everyone has wants more respect.  Everyone wants to feel loved.  But that's not going to happen.  Not ever.  You'll never, ever get it.  So you might as well just forget about it.  If you kill yourself (which is what I suggest) do it in a way that won't inconvenience others--like tossing yourself into a deep, deep lake.


Death Adder


Dear Death Adder,

We're having a formal dinner on Saturday and my husband wants to serve crab legs.  I am sure that formal dining etiquette would not allow for eating crab legs on account of the fact there is no neat and tidy way to consume them.  I prefer to serve open-tailed lobster.  What do you think?


Mrs. Seafood

Dear Mrs. Seafood,

I can tell from the tone of your letter you are not very smart.  Anything I might tell you would slip in one ear and out the other.  Good luck.  You'll need it.

Best wishes,

Death Adder


Dear Death Adder,

With all this talk recently about tax cuts and national debt and reinvesting in education, I'm a little confused.  On one hand, I want more money going into the pockets of my friends and family, while on the other hand, I want to see more spent on education and roads and the homeless.  Is there an answer to this on-going debate?


Lost in Thought

Dear Lost in Thought,

There is an answer: The military.  All funds should be spent on the military.  We need food for the hungry--roll in the forces to a land of plenty and take it.  We need better roads--find a country that has them and conquer it.  It's quite simple really.  Conquer, plunder, steal.  Three simple concepts that make the world a much better place.

Best to your family,

Death Adder


Dear Death Adder,

If I'm shopping on eBay, what is that whole "Proxy" bid thing about?  And what's a "Dutch" auction?



Dear eBay-Illiterate,

Proxy bidding is an easy way to enjoy fast-paced auction-style bidding (betray your family) from the privacy of you own home (join the forces of evil).  By entering a proxy bid (kill), the eBay system automatically updates your bid to your maximum amount, even if you are not there (find the Golden Axe and bring it to me).

A Dutch auction occurs when a seller has a large quantity of similar items (stab, kill, destroy) and wants to sell them all at the same time (sell your children to me).

Hope I have been of some help (Join me. Join me. Join me!)

-Death Adder


Dear Death Adder,

I hope you can help!  Recently I have been walking door to door with a petition to get more research money for generating Wind Power as an alternative power source.  Most of these folks have slammed the door in my face.  Don't they realize that our fossil fuels are rapidly being depleted?  We need to find new alternative fuels, and we need to find them now.  Can you help?


Power to the Wind

Dear Power to the Wind,

The Death Adder has no time for your "wind" problems.  My own castle is dark and drafty.  The less wind, the better.  Your time would be better spent hunting down and killing villagers and peasants.  And little green and blue trolls.  Especially them.


Death Adder


Dear Death Adder,

I have a problem.  My wedding is rapidly approaching and my future wife and I just can't agree on the floral arrangements.  She wants to use a traditional floral arrangements with roses and baby's breath, and I prefer to use a single daisy in remembrance of my grandmother Daisy who just died.  Is this worth arguing over?  Who is right?


Mr. Floral Distress

Mr. Floral Distress,

Your problem is your weak knees.  Do you own a good sword?  If so, ram it into the stomach of all who oppose you.  An axe will also do the trick.  Collect their blood and serve it at your rehearsal dinner.  Your Grandmother Daisy will be smiling up at you from hell, be sure.


Death Adder


Dear Mr. Death Adder

My husband tells me I am spending too much money.  I do run up excessive credit card debts, but never on myself--usually buying him new clothes or subscriptions to Golf Digest.  I want to keep my husband happy, but I also want to buy him the things I think he needs and deserves.  Can you help?


Mrs Love-Him-Too-Much

Dear Mrs Love-Him-Too-Much,

From your letter it is clear your husband is cheating on you with many, many young women--some of them are your relatives.  As per your requests I have sent General Bitter to make sure he dies a horrible death.

No thanks needed,

Death Adder

Read past letters to The Death Adder