by: The Button Man | May 17, 2006
Allow him to get to the sewer, facing away from you, and sneak towards him readying either your fibrewire or your syringe. If time seems short, use the "sudden run" technique to grab him at the last moment and take him down.
Best here, although trickiest, is to drag his body over the sewer entrance, then drop it. However, if you have trouble, you can drag it back to the end of the alleyway you hid in. Wherever you leave him, change into his clothes and retrieve your briefcase.
So, what was he guarding? Right next to where he was standing, you'll find a ladder heading up to a mezzanine roof. Head straight up here, and hidden from the world by the bright neon signs and blasting rain, equip your briefcase to get hold of your sniper rifle.
Carefully, walk towards the edge of the roof, equip your rifle, and peer through the gap between the two neon signs, down and to the right. If, at this point, you get your head blown off, then you've fallen foul of one of the snipers on this level. It's hard to be caught, but if you do, then you were too far out - back up a bit!
The Blue Lotus negotiator should hopefully have wondered off to have a chat with one of his guards at this point, so your target should be alone and standing still on the northern side of the temple structure in the park. If not, then wait and when the time arrives, take aim, and a single shot should do the trick.
Back away from the edge, and drop your gun. If you have trouble here with being spotten by the alerted helicopter, the best trick is to stay where you are, hidden behind the neon signs. However, if you're fast enough, this shouldn't be a problem. Retrace your steps, back down the ladder, down the street, and across, before heading immediately south towards the tunnel. When you enter the tunnel, that's one clean hit done and dusted.