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The Jungle God Send strategies to hitman@3dactionplanet.com
Submitted by: Markus Kellner [12.20.00]
Your solution to this level is somewhat on the difficult side.
Feed the jaguar simply a soldier standing closeby.
Lotsa fun guaranteed.
Submitted by: Tom Molloy [01.13.01]
The walkthrough on this site seems very complicated what i did was run to
the building in the centre collect the m16, run from the gaurds, then
when you get to the alter go left of the wall surounding it, and walk up
the cliff you will find a ledge that runs all the way over to the tunnel
where the tribesman is standing, now simply drop down and enter the tunnel.
Submitted by: raifordc [01.15.01]
This is one of the neatest levels in the game in my opinion.
You can make this as involved as you want, collecting weps and feeding
guards to the jaguar. There's also one of the funninest scenes in the
whole damn game, a hitman chasing pigs around. You can skip all of the
completely though. Since there's no target in the level, you really don't
have to fire a shot. Just run. From the starting point on the bridge,
just run through the ruins to the jaguar's area, run right past him, and
duck into the tunnel. Total mission time can be as low as 30 seconds.
Other options are to kill all the guards and take your time, which is fun.
Yet another is to kill the jag then duke it out with the blow dart-toting
natives, also amusing.
Submitted by: Mr. Bluurko [02.19.01]
Well, i'm surprised no-one else has mentioned it, BUT instead of
being put in a highly dangerous situation by killing guards or killing
the Jaguar, just kill a pig when no-one is looking! Pick er up and put
it on the "sacred" platform! Or you can just go around like the other guy said!
Submitted by: Elson Yeo [05.08.01]
Just find the alter and run past the jaugar, yes it is that easy.
(dont go killing pigs, its a waste of time)
Submitted by: Lionel [12.20.02]
If you dont feel like find a pig and feeding it to the Panther, then
simply walk around it. No seriously. Walk to the cliff face
opposite to the tribesmen i.e to the right if facing the entrance
of the tunnel, and you can with much determination walk over the wall
and bypass the "Jungle God."
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