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Meet Your Brother Send strategies to hitman@3dactionplanet.com
Submitted by: Kawika Pierson [01.14.01]
The minigun can be "preped" by clicking the right mouse button briefly
and then not moving. If the next thing you do is fire.. it will unload a
round immediately. The method you gave didnt work for me.
Submitted by: Gert Muller [01.22.01]
if you want to pass the meet your brother level real easy, simply
turn left in the hallway and run to the other guard and kill him.
in the locker in a kelver vest, an uzi and some ammo. go to the door.
when the door is slided open stand behind the barred part. walk up real
close to it and kill all the clones by shooting through the gaps. the
clones won't even try to shoot you!!!
Submitted by: Yurik [03.18.01]
I skip the cutscene, run left, and open the caged door at the end of the
hall. Next, I kill the second guard, go
to the locker next to him, and take the vest. When I go back to the caged
door, there is one clone standing there.
I wax him, then run to the room with the minigun. I take it over to one of
the biohazard doors that encases the
clone chamber and drop it on the floor. The next clone who attacks me I
dispatch and drag his body to that same door,
next to the minigun. I then run to the OTHER biohazard door and wait there,
until newly active clone runs through the door on the same side as the
minigun and the dead clone.
I don't attack the clone who is active, but instead lure him a LITTLE bit a
way, just enough to drag the body in and
grab my minigun. Once inside the clone chamber, I kill the active clone if
he tries to attack me, then drag the previously
killed clone onto the floor panel. Now for the best part of this tactic:
the clones are all standing in the small room, just
begging to be mowed down by the minigun. It's like shooting fish in a
barrel :D I then drop the minigun and wax the professor with the mp5 and
I'm done. I've found this tactic to be the most effective way to beat the game.
Takes about 5 minutes, tops.
Submitted by: Jacob [04.02.01]
A very secure way (but mayby kinda boring...):
Go right and kill the guard. Go on and watch the cutscene. Kill the first clone
with the weapon you've brought. Take his gun, and kill the next clone.
(Goes faster than the first). Run to the room with the minigun, and pick it up
and prep it. Now just stand in the corner of this room with the minigun pointed
at the door. All the clones will come in (one at a time), but because they have
to turn after they enter the room, you'll have plenty of time to take them out.
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