StarTropics » Items & Weapons
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Chapter 7 Items
This pill will give you full life when collected. It'll even fill in the heart containers you don't have, however, the lack of these heart containers will lead to your full life slowly decreasing to the point of your max-heart container in your life bar.

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Red Cube    
The Red Cube is the first of three Cubes you will find within this chapter and the next. The Red Cube will turn your Shooting Start into a Super Nova. This Super Nova will go the entire length of the screen! Of course, you'll need around ten hearts to use this new weapon.

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Blue Cube    
The next Cube you find on the Spaceship will be the Blue Cube. This will give you full heart containers!

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Chapter 7 Weapons
Lazer Gun    
The Lazer Gun is a great weapon. It can be fired a longer range than your Shooting Star, and more rabidly. This makes it a good weapon to use, but of course, it can only be used a number of times.

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Super Lazer Gun    
Super Lazer Guns are more powerful than the Lazer Guns, but don't have a wide range. What's great about this weapon is the fact that it fires in a three block width. It's good for those enemies that you wish you could hit on an angle.

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Super Nova    
Ah, the most powerful weapon in the game! Once you collect the Blue Block you'll be able to use this weapon when you have around ten hearts. It's range goes the entire length of the screen!

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