StarTropics » Enemies
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Chapter 8 Enemies
Track Podshooter    
These Podshooters on Tracks can move around, otherwise they're just like regular Podshooters.

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Gray Satelite    
These are like high-tech Noctos.

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Red Satelites    
Red Satelites behave exactly like the Gray ones except that they can shoot at you.

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Space Stars    
When you walk in front of one of these holes, Stars will come flying out at you. You can kill the stars but you can't harm the holes. You can jump into the holes, but that kills you.

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Window Trooper    
These Troopers hang from windows and shoot at you. You can kill them with a few hits.

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Heat Tiles    
At one point in the game you'll come across a walkway of these Heat Tiles. They'll heat and cool in a pattern, so you'll have to use your good judgment(not your bad judgment) to hop around these without getting hurt. Be careful! These Heat Tiles take a lot out of you!

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Ships Core    
I suppose this could be classified as a boss as well. When its sheild is down, keep hitting it. You can quickly destroy it, but be aware that when the sheild is back up the core can heal itself.

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Zoda Spawn    
Zoda Spawns come from Zoda's gut. They always drop hearts and stars. You'll have to deal with these guys whil fighting Zoda.

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