
Death Adder
As much a part of the Golden Axe legend as the Golden Axe
itself, Death Adder, equipped with axes, magic, menace, and just plain
evil, makes the lives of innocent people everywhere miserable.

Death Bringer
Here the battle will rage . . . The Death Bringer is a "bonus"
character who the Royal Family claim is the mastermind behind the Death
Adder's Actions. He exists only in the home versions of the
game. Quite the foe, the Death Bringer uses each of the heroes
attacks against them. As the Death Bringer only exists in one game,
we here at the castle acknowledge only our true leader, The Death Adder.

Death Adder Junior
Death Adder's apparent son makes a brief appearance in the
original Golden Axe. |
Miscellaneous Thugs (Longmoan, left --
Heninger, right)
Full of evil intentions, thugs make up the bulk of Death
Adder's army. Weak-willed and poorly dressed, they hack and club
their way to the top of the ladder, hoping to win Death Adder's favor.

Bad Brothers The Brothers are usually found
laughing at other people's expense, sometimes their fellow soldiers.
Quite the comedians, they are known best for their "step on an old woman's
back" joke which never ceases to send crowds into hysterics.

Ms. Demeanor
(aka Storchinaya, Strobaya, Lemanaya, and Gruziya)
As cruel as she is beautiful, Ms. Demeanor and all her
twins stormed their way into Death Adder's heart. Whether eating a
picnic lunch or hurling her body into battle, Ms. Demeanor always knows
how to have a good time.
Skeletons Skeletons
make up the "silent but deadly" part of Death Adder's
army. Springing from the ground, their evil intentions more than make
up for their lack of flesh.
Bitter Knights Big, mean, cloaked in stylish armor, the
Death Adder's knights work tirelessly to rid the world of good-will and
Trees Trees!
Evil, evil trees. Besides being evil, they carried swords.
Evil swords.
Guld Death Adder's representative
of evil for Golden Axe on the Genesis. Rumor suggests that it may
have Death Adder in disguise, hoping not to have his fans accuse him of
Nice shot of Death Adder's evolution from the first game to the last.
Thanks again, Tex, for sending it in. |
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