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Axe: The Revenge of the New Logo |
machine. To learn more, check here. |
so small brings so much joy. |
shot of the machine. Purists will immediately recognize this isn't the
real version of the 4-player game. |
A different Golden Axe
machine. Also notice the other
"classic" games in the back. This is
how I dream my garage will be some day. |
Same machine as above, but a
different angle. I'd like to get a
shot at that Super Pac-Man machine as well. |
Close up of the control
panel. What's more fun than mass
killing with four of your friends?
Nothing, that's what. |
GA:TRODA flyer (Front) |
GA:TRODA flyer (Back). The flyer makes claim to the "junction
points" that exist in the game. While they do exist, a player
eventually loops back to those same points and is forced to take the alternate
path to "disperse" the enemy ambushes. False advertising?
You be the judge. |
advertisement for the game.
Translation anyone? |
calls for a little help from above. The Skull-fog being blown causes human
enemies to turn to stone before dying. All other enemies are cast to the
ground, some never to rise again. |
and Gilius go for a ride. |
and Trix are no tree-huggers. The stalagmites shown throughout this level
can actually be broken off with a quick strike and sent flying into the
tree-enemies for an instant kill. |
Little Trix, Sternblade, Gilius, and Goah pose for a rare "group"
photo. Sternblade is casting his fire-spell. |
from the emulated copy. Notice how Sternblade exists only as a shadow of
his true self. Also notable are the actions of the
soldier in the purple on the far right. Wonder why he isn't
attacking? He's actually whipping a towns-woman, seen just barely behind
fallen corpses, wearing a blue smock. Scenes like this abound in GA:TRODA,
and the townsfolk always seem to have a Magic Pot reward in hand. |
from the opening of the game. Evil soldiers ride away with villagers
trapped inside wooden cages. Visions such as this one are common place in
the world of Golden Axe. Unfortunately, even by the end of the game, our
heroes never do run across these caged people and are never able to free
them. In fact, they undoubtedly killed the captors. We can only hope
they left the keys behind. |
Goah and
Gilius use their magic to call down a smoky evil! |
What shall
become of this evil man encased in Goah's cloud of doom? |
Why, he has
turned to stone! |
Not to be
outdone, Sternblade unleashes his fiery fury. |
look good for Death Adder's evil minion. |
In fact, it
looks down right painful. |
Yep, that's
going to sting in the morning. |
Goah and
The Death Adder face off for the last time. What happens is
too horrible to talk about. |
Nice shot of the Death Adder, after losing his
shield, about to pound a little "justice" into his
enemies. Thanks to Tex for sending it in. |
A good shot
of Death Adder's Castle before the do-gooder's arrive. |
"killing" the Death Adder, the so-called heroes ruin his
precious monument. |
Even in
ruin, Death Adder's Castle still spreads beauty across the land. |
More shots of battling the Death Adder.
See the DA give Goah a piece of his mind. |
Sternblade wisely avoids the DA's
half-ring of cloudy evil! |
Why does the Death Adder have a halo
over his head? The world may never
know. |
Dora does her thing to the
evil, evil trees. |
The following ten
spritesheets show all the animations of
Stearnblade in Revenge of Death Adder.
Thanks to PsySonic for creating them and
sending them in. |
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