Pokémon List
· Articuno
· Bellossom
· Blastoise
· Celebi
· Chansey
· Charizard
· Chikorita
· Clefairy
· Cyndaquil
· Electrode
· Entei
· Goldeen
· Ho-oh
· Lugia
· Maril
· Mew
· Moltres
· Porygon 2
· Raikou
· Scizor
· Snorlax
· Staryu
· Suicune
· Togepi
· Unown
· Venusaur
· Weezing
· Wobbuffet
· Zapdos
Articuno |
This Pokémon will appear in slightly behind the stage, then shoot beams of blizzards towards the screen. Anybody around this Pokémon will be frozen, and chances are you will also be knocked out of the arena.
Bellossom |
This Pokémon will start shedding a powder that will put to sleep any character horizontally near it (except for the owner of the ball). Usually once you are put to sleep, you stay there until Bellossom leaves, because as soon as you wake up from the sleep, you will fall back to sleep (since you are so close to the Pokémon).
Blastoise |
Will appear and shoot heavy blasts across the screen, knocking opponents far away.
Celebi |
When you unlock everything, this Pokémon will appear.
Chansey |
Will throw out eggs that will either heal you or contain items/explosive.
Charizard |
Will appear and shoot flames of fire left then right.
Chikorita |
It will appear and shoot stuff across the screen, just like Blastoise.
Clefairy |
Clefairy mimics any one of these Pokémon, so be careful.
Cyndaquil |
Similar to Charizard, this Pokémon will shoot out flames but only in one direction.
Electrode |
It comes out and explodes in a few seconds. It is possible to pick up and throw this Pokémon right before it explodes.
Entei |
This Pokémon will shoot vertical flame blasts. Any enemy caught in its flames will receive a lot damage.
Goldeen |
Uses the attack called splash, which does apsolutely nothing.
Ho-oh |
The Pokemon will appear, shoot out into the sky, and will attack the enemyies in its view with a fiery blast (it will attack in the area it was released).
Lugia |
This Pokémon will get into the background and shoot rays of stuff to whoever gets in the way.
Marill |
This Pokémon will skip towards the nearest target and try to push them out of the arena.
Mew |
When you unlock all of the secret characters, this Pokémon will appear.
Moltres |
Emits great amounts of flame in around itself.
Porygon 2 |
This Pokémon charges forward then disappears.
Raikou |
Emits a lighting barrier that strikes all those around it. The area of the barrier is pretty big, so if you are in a small stage, you are in trouble.
Scizor |
It will pop out of his ball and slash at the closest target, then jump around and attack again.
Snorlax |
The Pokemon will appear, shoot out into the sky, and will drop 3x larger.
Staryu |
Will hatch out, move toward one of your opponents, and shoot several blasts at him.
Suicune |
This Pokémon will release immense tornados around itself.
Togepi |
This little creature can do any attack. You don't know what it's going to do next.
Unown |
This Pokémon will appear, then leave, and finally come back with a bunch of its friends in a wave of Unown's and attack anybody in their path.
Venusaur |
Unlike the previous game, this Venusaur emits what seems like explosive powders. Anybody caught in its blast will be going for a ride.
Weezing |
Will shoot out puffs of gas. Be careful not to get hit cause you'll be stuck in cloud of gas a bit, long enough to be hit by the owner of the Poké Ball.
Wobbuffet |
Wobbuffet is a neutral Pokémon. It will not attack you, granted that you don't attack it. However, if you do hit him, then he will bounce back and forth and will hit anybody in his path.
Zapdos |
Emits large amounts of lightning around itself.