The Voices: |


The purpose of File 7 editorials is to
further explore the subculture
references, politics, relations, psychology, symbolism, etc. of Killer 7.
The file 7 can be as serious or as humourous as you want
them to be as long as they're based on logic & or evidence.
The only other rule that I have is that the article must allow I to
see some aspects of the story, characters, etc. of Killer 7 in a
different light.
Click here If you wish to submit an editorial.
You don't need to be a PHD,
All I ask is for some creative theories & cases that make you look at
some aspects of K7 in a whole different light.
File 7 Rumour monger
(K7 conjecture, theories)
11/03/05: Killer 7 Relationship chart
11/04/05: Linda Vermilion's allegiance
1/28/06: Killer 7 possibly a "Quickgirl" Homage
1/27/06: Cowboy V.S. Samurai
1/24/07: 7 KILLERS, 7 SINS
2/17/07: Simple Metaphors in the Smiths Deaths
5/13/07: Flow of culture, politics, death and life in K7
6/25/07: Final scene in Killer 7
6/30/07: Mr. Ulmedya...The Car Scene...First Life Inc.
9/07/07: Harman and KunLan, 2 opposing ideals of a single force
9/29/07: Linda Vermillion's allegiance part 2
12/23/07: Why three Harman's?
1/18/08: Cloudman as an attack on Japanese nationalism and xenophobia
Under constructioN
The Ace "Psychology of a killer"
Matsuken's total war.
Eastern Threat
Sphere of Influence |


Silver Case 25
New World Order

KILLER 7 fan sites:
