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Message: Join the Killer 7
SINdicate community,or send a pigeon letter. (Sign guestbook.)
![]() That death comes to us all. NOTE: The purpose of the guest book is
to be creative, have fun role playing, & not take things so
seriously. n/a: what the fuck is wrong with
you psycos? "Most gruesome slayings in the name of Harman."? My my how
witty, I do believe he/she has me in check. Hmm "most
fucked up cockslaps in the world" I shall take that intelligent
remark in to consideration. This comment is a prime example
of an individual that desperately needs to get off their high
horse. n/a: none, anyone whose ever killed knows theres nothing preferable about it . Congratulations, I applaud thy for stating the
obvious. Besides I
feel that all of whom who use this website are emotionally mature
enough to know that death is no laughing manner, but that
doesn't mean that you can't have fun parodying & making
satire out of death. MY BLOODY VALENTINE! Soma V. Valentine: I
call it murder and a manicure. What I do is tie them to a chair,
siphon their blood directly from their arm, and use it to polish
their nails. After that I take an axe to their heart and gather all
that blood in a bucket to use for arts and crafts. I’ll probably do
a portrait of the victim’s head attached to a penguin first. Davis
T. Valentine: In the event that
someone pisses me off, I WILL get even. I tie them to the face of a
cliff with rope that is part of a system of pulleys and what not so
that if you struggle too much, a lone rod with something at the end
of it falls forward and hooks around into you're crotch. If you're
a girl, it's a razor dildo and if you're a guy it's a large generic
blunt object >_<. Now here's where the fun comes in. You can
prevent castration because once the mechanism has started, you can
easily pull you're self free thereby falling off the face of said
cliff and living long enough to enjoy the view. So what will you
choose? For the women out there I highly reccomend to "Stay & endure the pleasurable pain of sensual malice." Soma V. Valentine: I'm really
into dancing so after i've tied each of their limbs to a seprate
support beam in my basement I do this baton dance with a double
edged sword while periodically dismembering different limbs as part
of my routine. Now I have to do somthing with this torso with a
head. Oh whatever shall I do? I know I'll bury him in a cardboard
bow right next to my lilacs. YAY
The Valentines are so casual with their...hmmm hobbies that they as a family, are an inspiration to all.. Sara H.
Valentine: Modified Russian roulette with your ex.
Basically load the gun with a blank instead of a real bullet then
make sure they are the looser by keeping track of where you loaded
the bullet. Granted the will be injured but when you visit them in
the hospital, you can all have a good laugh over the silly
practical joke right before you beat them to death with the cheep
wal-mart purse that they gave you for your birthday loaded with
lead Jude K.
Valentine: Nailing their arms to the wall of an old warehouse while
a bulldozer is parked behind the wall. When you turn on the engine,
drive slowly towards the wall to build their fear so they won't
know when they will be mashed. At the last second, rush forward at
the wall, effectivly destroying them and the wall.
Final KILL Lisker:If I'm going to kill someone for personal reasons, it'd have to last a while so I could get my full enjoyment out of it. First I'd strap them to a chair and read every single issue of the Killer 7 comics to them. Once they're done screaming, I'd get out a hammer and smash their testicles before saying "that was a tough nut to crack!" then I'd pull out one of their eyes with a corkscrew, then hold it close to my face as I say "it looks like someone's got an eye on me!" then I'd remove every single hair on their head and throw it into a pile on the floor, then I'd jump into it like a pile of leaves and say "looks like I've gotten myself into a pretty hairy situation!" then I'd cut off one of their ears and run off with it into another room and then say "can you hear me now?" into it, then I'd come back and cut off their genitalia and insert into their anus and say "when I told you to go screw yourself, I didn't mean for you to take it literally!" then I'd pour boiling water down their throat and say "looks like you're in hot water now! Or should I say, hot water's in you now!" then I'd sever one of their legs and arms, and say "it looks like fucking with me cost you an arm and a leg!" then I'd cut their head off and say "you really stuck your neck out this time!" then I'd pick their head and say "you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached!" then I'd shoot it into the trash and say "nothing but net!" then I'd go and get the head out of the trash and insert it up their anus and say "you really need to get your head out of your ass!" then I'd pull out some organs through the hole at the top and say "you sure have guts!" then I'd take their body and put it into a wood chipper and say "wow, you're all over the place!" then I'd offer to take care of my neighbor's dog for the weekend and bring them to the spot where the remains are so I can feed some of it to the dog then later the dog will do his business on the remaining remains and I'll say "you really are a piece of shit now!" then I'd
probably get bored and go do something else.
Most gruesome slayings in the name of Harman. SatellitesSummonOdin: Break n' Take hour torture. Mifune: Segment each organ; with a blunting
spoon, into microwavable bowls and then microwave for 17 seconds
whilst planting c4 and running. Genocide123: Split a
body into 2 with a Samurai sword. Ah yes, now these quotes
are what I call sadistic. Exactly what I'm looking for. Moose: Give somebody a them mad....make them
kill....Kill them and reap all that he lost....Drink the blood to
be sure....
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