The Voices: |

Suda 51 fanart by StarStabbedMoon

Originally written by Topdrunkee.
Revised for grammar by DDRJeffP
Since Wikipedia has been linking to this page for quite some time, and it also seems to be based off of information that I originally wrote. I've decided to repay the favour & link back to Wiki. Goichi_suda Wikipedia
Note: I desperately need to rewrite this page, so just check the wikipedia for the time being.
Suda Goichi is also known as Suda51.
Suda51 is a play on words for Suda Gouichi Go=5,ichi=1.
In english we would pronounce his name as Suda Five One.
Suda51 has been in the gaming business for quite some time all the
back to the 16-bit era.
Suda mostly works as the director & scenario writer.
The following are a list of his work leading up to Killer
Title |
Platform |
Publisher & Release status |
Credited as |
Super Fire Pro Wrestling 3 Final Bout |
Super Famicom |
(Human) Japan (1993) |
director |
Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special |
Super Famicom |
(Human) Japan (1994) |
director/scenario |
Twilight Syndrome: Search |
PlayStation |
(Human) Japan (1996) |
director |
Twilight Syndrome: Investigation |
PlayStation |
(Human) Japan (1996) |
director/scenario |
Moonlight Syndrome |
PlayStation |
(Human) Japan (1997) |
director/scenario |
The Silver Case |
PlayStation |
(Grasshopper/ASCII) Japan (1999) |
director/scenario |
Flower, Sun, and Rain |
PlayStation 2 |
(Grasshopper/Victor) Japan (2001) |
director/scenario |
Michigan: Report from Hell |
PlayStation 2 |
(Grasshopper/Spike) Japan (2004) and Europe |
director/scenario |
Killer7 |
GameCube and PlayStation 2 |
(Grasshopper/Capcom) Japan (2005), North America, and Europe |
director/scenario |
Samurai Champloo: Sidetracked |
PlayStation 2 |
Released in Japan (2006) and North America |
Contact |
Nintendo DS |
Released in Japan (2006), North America and Europe |
Producer |
BLOOD+ One Night Kiss |
PlayStation 2 |
Released in Japan (2006) |
No More Heroes |
Wii |
Released in Japan December (2007), North America and Europe (2008) |
Kurayami |
PlayStation 3 |
proposed |
Fatal Frame IV |
Wii |
In production |
The Silver Case |
Nintendo DS |
In production |
The Silver Case Ward 25 |
Nintendo DS |
In production |
Untitled Xbox 360 game |
Xbox 360 |
proposed |
Flower, Sun, and Rain: Unending Paradise |
Nintendo DS |
In production |
Suda 51 & Hideo Kojima. They seem to be quite intimate with each other...

WTF! Hideo Kojima sex tape t(T_T)t!
Note: That's not really Hideo. I posted this pic for the lulz.
The original list that was translated from the source link below:
PS2 Killer 7 (Grasshopper/Capcom) director/scenario
PS2 Michigan (Grasshopper/Spike) director/scenario (known as
Michigan: Report From Hell in Europe)
PS2 Flower,Sun,& Rain (Grasshopper/Victor)
PSONE The Silver Affair (Grasshopper/ASCII). 1999.10.07
PSONE Moonlight Syndrome (Human) director/scenario
PSONE Twilight Syndrome: Investigation (Human)
PSONE Twilight Syndrome: Search (Human) director
Super Famicom Fire ProWrestling Special (Human)
Super Famicom Fire ProWrestling 3 Final Bout (Human)
Before Suda51 entered
the world of electronic gaming he was employed as an
The money was good. He
earned 50,000 yen just to retrieve the corpses from a hospital
Suda couldn't really handle the job, as the fumes & odors of
the dead caused him to vomit many times.
Such an act is considered unprofessional, and is highly frowned
saw a help wanted ad for the videogame company known as Human.
The game in development was "Fire ProWrestling Special."
Suda51,who has quite a substantial amount of wrestling knowledge. As well as being a fan
of puroresu (Japanese pro wrestling) since childhood.
He had great confidence in himself that he would be accepted for
the job.
A month passed since Suda applied for the job, and he never received a
reply back.
Suda51 figured that he might as well get married & settle down
as an undertaker.
One day Suda51 was contacted by Human relaying him the message that
his application has been accepted.
The change in heart was mainly due to the fact that they were
lacking in employees who held extensive knowledge of
Although Suda51's first game was about Japanese pro wrestling
you can still see signs of Suda51's trademark writing style.
The story mode of Firepro Wrestling had one of the most shocking
endings of all time.
Largely due to the fact that it was so unexpected.
Let's just say that the ending wasn't a very happy one.
(The hero falls for Akira Maeda's fictitious sister, she dumps him.
He becomes undisputed champion of the world, decides it's a hollow
victory, and kills himself.)
Suda 51's favorite
athlete of 2003 is Bob Sapp. "Bob the beast Sapp" .
List of
Sources: Suda51 article Suda51 data
Note: Suda 51 still works with his
former company, Human.
These days Human goes by the name Spike.
(Of Clock Tower,Fire Pro Wrestling,Kenka Bancho &
Samurai Michi fame.)