Note: Screen caps taken with a quick cam from a recording that I made way back in 2002 off of Sky perfect TV ch.273.
Vermilion Pleasure Night has recently been translated into English by ADV.
I was informed by True Grave that there was actually
an extended ending that I neglected to mention.
It involved a game show that I missed out on.
I changed channels right when that part came up, because I assumed
that nothing of interest would happen.
The game show part of Quick girl looked like every other variety show that you see in Japan,
but I guess that was part of the joke.
I will not spoil the completely twisted unexpected & random ending as I'm saving that for a future Quick girl File 7 article.
In the mean time you can cop yourself a copy from the great female warriors the Amazon
Quick girl is a noir/dark humour 15 min. skit from the late night show Vermilion Pleasure Night.
(The most popular skit from VPN consists of an American family of mannequins "The Fuccon Family".
Personally I don't really understand what's so funny about the Fuccon Family. It's weird I'll give it that.
I much prefer the eerie sarcasm & dark humour of Quick Girl.)
Quick girl involves 4 female assassins, who each have a contract to kill one another.
Not a single word of dialogue is spoken through out the entire skit.
(Except for the small exception of women groaning in pain, and the death cries of the many victims of the Quick girls.)
Instead of dialogue you hear an ambient/techno like soundtrack that changes themes according to the situation,
and which ever assassin happens to be on screen at the time.
Quick girl is very surreal & has several "what the fuck" moments just like Killer 7. It feels almost as if you were viewing some demented dream or nightmare.
Even the blood & gore sprays in a exaggerated fashion akin to Killer 7.
The show builds up the suspense as the two main characters try to kill each other.
However the battle never happens, because one of them gets shot to death by a mob.
The 4 hit women are
Mary: The main character, and the ILLest of the four assassins.
A woman donning all black leather, and sports a big hat. Her special skill is sniping.
Mary is the spitting image of the infamous Lady Scorpion .
(Linda Vermillion's character design was probably influenced by both Mary & Scorpion.)
Mary spends the majority of her time chilling at a fine restaurant, and waiting for the precise moment to strike.
She emerges the victor of Quick girl after sniping a direct hit at the forehead of Reiko.
Or so she thought.
Lina: The other main character. A beautiful milky white skinned female, that I nicknamed the "Camellia". IMO she is the sexist of the four.
Her special skill is that she is highly trained with blades.
She wears all white, and is cunningly cold & vicious.
Lina racks in the highest kill count out of the four assassins.
Her suave tyrant like demeanor is quite similar to Dan Smith.
Not only is she deadly with a knife, Lina also possesses the ability to scan an area in search of any invisible threat who could do potential harm to her.
(This ability is much similar to Garcian Smith's ability to scan an area for the Heaven Smile.)
Note: By invisible threat, I mean anyone who is armed with concealed weapons.
Unfortunately it is this very same ability that causes her downfall.
Reiko: She wears a green leather jacket. She is the tactician of the four rivals.
She is the least eccentric of the Quick girls.
Reiko gets the least screen time.
Lina would've most likely came out the victor of Quick girl
if it weren't for Reiko's well thought out ploy to distract her with countless armed salary men.
Erika: The oddball of the four female assassins. She wears skintight clothing.
By far the cutest of the four hit women.
Erika likes to lick ice cream cones, and has a really sweet ride.
She seems a bit aloof, but she uses that to her advantage.
Erika was the first assassin to die.
Or at least appeared to.
For some reason or another Erika comes back at the very end of the skit, and runs over Mary as she was leaving the fine restaurant.
I'm guessing she has the ability of reincarnation.
Note: The following is only a portion of scenes from Quick Girl. I only scanned the significant parts of the 15 min. clip.)

After viciously gunning down an assailant at a restroom, Mary is seen rising from a subway & taking a stroll.
She enters a high classed resturant, and sips on some fine wine.
After a couple of moments, she walks up to the rooftop of the restaurant.
To set up her sniping position.

This scene starts off with Erika cruising in her ride.
She makes a stop at a mall, and erotically eats some ice cream.
Erika is then seen walking down a hall toward a set of lockers.
After a couple of moments, an ominous figure in the background donned in all white attire can be seen trailing Erika.
As the pale figure closed in on her target...
Erika's throat is slashed in less than a split second.
Blood starts to splatter everywhere creating a blood fountain.
The blood spray was so relentless that even by standers were drenched in Erika's blood.
As Erika is gasping for air you finally get a good view of the killer.
The killer steals Erika's locker key.
The killer's identity is none other than Lina.
Lina looks on with a cold stare as Erika clutches her throat.
After a few moments Erika finally lays on the ground motionless.
Lina continues on to the set of lockers.
Using Erika's locker key she opens a locker that contains a bag.
Lina nabs the bag, and then proceeds to move on about her business.

Lina casually walks around the mall.
Glaring at everybody with a poker faced death stare.
A generic Japanese boy passes by minding his own business.
However Lina senses that he has a gun, and her ability to scan the area starts to surround her vision with static
& envisions the generic Japanese boy drawing the firearm at her.
Lina leaves the boy be, since he doesn't mean any harm.
A moment later Lina is than eyed by a generic Japanese woman.
Once again Lina's ability foretells her that the generic japanese woman is armed.
Lina ignores this woman as well, since the generic japanese woman did not draw her gun.
After a long while Lina eyes a janitor.
Lina scans him with her ability, just like she did the previous two.
The screen fills with static, and she envisions the janitor pulling out a pistol.
In a split second moment Lina draws out her firearm, and guns the janitor down.
It appears that this time the armed threat, had the balls to step up to her.
Lina stares down at the raggedy mans lifeless body.

After a dramatic pause, Lina turns around and glances at the two consumers that passed by her path earlier.
She points her gun directly at them.
The two generic Japanese consumers know what's on Lina's mind.
So they try to make their escape.
Lina chases them down the hall as they try to allude their death.
To no avail Lina caps the otaku & the woman straight in the heart.
She than walks back to the dead body of the janitor.
Kicks him straight in the head, and unloads a whole clip on his 6 ft. deep ass.
All who witnessed the massacre dared not approach her.
Lina makes her way out of the mall, looking scrumptiously delicious with blood covering her face.
Shortly after her ability scans a sudden influx of opponents who are ready & willing to take her out, and I don't mean on a date.
Lina is swarmed by men in three piece suits, yet she chooses not to make a preemptive strike.
As she reached the side walk Lina is then stopped by a woman who pulls a gun at her.
This woman is the assassin known as Reiko.

As if out of reflex Lina draws her gun aiming directly for Reiko's head.
The two ladies get into a stare down.
When suddenly Reiko's ambush party jumped in.
Reiko starts to grin happily as if she already won the battle.
She walks off, and leaves Lina to fend for herself.
As if on cue the firing squad guns down Lina at point blank range finally ending the life of the tyrant.
Reiko who is casually walking away from the scene only makes it 15 feet away before she bites the bullet all of a sudden.
You guessed it Reiko was killed by Mary.
Although the slug was meant for Lina, Reiko should suffice.
Mary disassembles her piece, and walks back down to the restaurant where she proceeds to finish her glass of wine
As Mary is seen walking along to her path of victory...
A speeding car drives by, and runs her over.
The driver turned out to be Erika, who appeared to have died earlier.
She is seen erotically finishing up another ice cream cone.
Erika stops at the mall where she was killed earlier &,throws the cone on the ground.
She observes her surroundings & makes her merry way.
Erika has survived to slay another day.
1/28/06 Discussion thread for this file