Improving graphics and sound will only go so far, says MGS creator
CVG reports~
"The "next level" of gaming is not yet possible on current-gen hardware, says Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima.
Speaking to BBC’s Click program, Kojima said that improving the visuals and audio in games will only go so far in future console generations.
"We will keep on making games for consoles and the graphics and sound quality will get better and better," he said. "But I think no matter how much we improve the quality, there is only so much we can hear or see.
"The next level will be when we start improving the backgrounds, the things you don’t instantly see but enhance the experience. For example, there are leaves in the background and when you water them they grow. Instead of the backgrounds being pre-programmed, they actually respond to what the player does.
"This is not possible right now but maybe in the future it will be, and that is when we will have entered the next era of gaming," he added.
He’s as technology-obsessed as ever then. Not that we’re complaining; MGS4 is a massively impressive game, and a terrific showcase for the PS3.
Kojima is currently rumoured to be working on a new game based on RPG series Snatcher, with No More Heroes mastermind Suda 51."
(source: CVG)