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Welcome to Majesty-Dragon's
Northern Expansion Preview

Quest Enhancements | New Quests
In Clash of Empires your small settlement is caught in the middle of a war between the Goblins and the Ratmen.

In Darkness Falls you must overcome the undead that are ravaging the land and destroy their leaders, Styx and Stones.

The Fortress of Ixmil pits you against the magical stronghold of a mighty wizard.

In Legendary Heroes a small band of heroes must fulfill a quest with only one member of each guild available at a time.

In Rise of the Ratmen you must defeat the King of the Ratmen as he attempts to invade your kingdom.

In Scions of Chaos you must defeat powerful followers of Fervus and Krypta so your heroes can assume their seats of power.

In the Siege, you have surrounded an enemy kingdom and must either starve them out by destroying all incoming caravans or overrun the kingdom itself.

The Spires of Death pits you against a set of deadly towers that spawn creatures, have powerful magical defenses, and get stronger and stronger.

Trade Routes challenges you to support a network of trading routes in order to better establish and grow your kingdom.

Urban Renewal challenges you to restore a kingdom that has sunken into depravity in order to win its inheritance.

The Valley of the Serpents challenges you to help Elven refugees deal with a terrible new type of monster that is invading their kingdom.

Vigil for a Fallen Hero centers on a band of high level heroes who must work together to destroy the most terrifying monster Ardania has ever seen.


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