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Northern Expansion Preview

Monster Enhancements | New Monster Lairs
Ancient Graveyards are found in the wilderness and they spawn Ardania’s full complement of undead creatures. Unlike such local establishments, heroes can destroy them.

As with the Sewer, the Broken Sewer Main appears automatically in your city, although it can be destroyed. It spews forth legions of Rats, Ratmen, Ratmen Shamans, Ratmen Champions, and the dangerous Ratapults.

The Goblin Fortress is a bigger and more durable Goblin encampment that automatically repairs itself. If attacked it disgorges a horde of defenders.

Goblin Watchtowers target the enemies of the Goblins, shooting arrows like a Guardhouse. They add fortification to Goblin settlements.

The Ice Cave is a creature’s den in the frozen northlands. It is one of the few places cold enough for a Yeti or Ice Dragon to inhabit.

The Rats Nest is a wilderness lair for the expanded Ratmen population. These filthy hovels spawn similar lairs in their own vicinity as the vermin population multiplies.


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