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Crysis Warhead: Multiplayer Info

Game News
Crytek has released infor on Crysis Wars, the multiplayer portion of Crysis Warhead.

With Crysis Wars as a different game included in the Warhead box we want to establish a new franchise that is all about multiplayer. Warhead has been developed by the new team in Budapest, Hungary whereas Wars was created by a dedicated team in Frankfurt, Germany. This allowed us to have the focus geared towards both games to provide the best possible result for each.The following is a rough summary of the most important content of Wars. In the upcoming days and weeks we will feature those points with a lot more detail on our community web site

1. New Features

  • New game mode TeamInstantAction
  • Auto-downloader of maps embedded into the game
  • Auto patching system embedded in the installer which always checks for the latest game version
  • Fixed most critical bugs requested by the community

2. TeamInstantAction

  • New intelligent spawn system for TeamInstantAction that spawns you the furthest away from any enemy and the closest to your team mates.
  • Implemented score system for both the teams and the individual player
  • Implemented overtime in the case both teams have the same amount of team score at the end of a round
  • Developed maps tailored for the experience with more vertical gameplay in order to feature the nanosuit abilities

Crysis Warhead at nVision 2008!

Game News


Crysis Warhead being shown at nVision 2008!


At this years nVision, just as we did at GC, we're giving the North American public the chance to have a go on Warhead, on the level Cargo. Once again we're really happy to be able to say that the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and the stand has been incredibly busy with people queing up to have their shot at Crysis Warhead

We've set up a big section for Crysis Wars which allows players to try out the new game mode TeamInstantAction. We're running the maps Coast and Graveyard, both of which are great at showing that the suit functionalities coupled with our unique brand of vertical gameplay are a winning combination. The feedback has been good, and those people who have not played Crysis before were even more impressed when they discovered the Nanosuit abilities, saying that "It really adds something to gameplay."



Crytek's Piracy Crysis

Game News

IGN talks with Crytek President Cevat Yerli about Crysis and Piracy.


While Crytek has stated that its Crysis games are PC exclusives, the company has rebuilt its CryENGINE technology for the consoles and demonstrated it running on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 at this year's Game Developers Conference. Seeley was impressed by the current generation of consoles and said "console technology has advanced a great deal since we released Far Cry, and our teams have since found it very exciting to push the boundaries of what most people today consider possible to do on those platforms." Another aspect he admires about the consoles is the fact that it's harder to pirate on, "…The consoles themselves are, in one sense, simply very good DRM technologies that consumers welcome and pay for, in order to receive the benefits that come with them..."


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Welcome to the new Crysis Central

Site News

Here we will be covering the world of Crysis Warhead. Keep checking back for new additions.

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