MESS 0.36 beta 15 (version 036 FINAL may not be compatible with these frontends. Newer versions have proved too quirky for me, but you can find support at the MESS messageboard) MESS Messageboard: Here are the files to download (DOS/Windows9x):
(692k, freeware) MESS for DOS
(Vectrex driver by Mathis Rosenhauer) Here are the files to download (WindowsMacintosh/UNIX): (freeware) New! Find recent betas of MESS for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX... Check out the MESSageboard there for help with those ports... 1) Create a folder and unzip "" and (if you're using Windows, also unzip your frontend of choice). Go into the "roms" folder that was created and then into the "vectrex" folder inside of that. Extract "" and "" into that "vectrex" folder. 2) Double-click on the frontend icon, highlight "GCE Vectrex" in the list and double-click on a game in the other list. When done, hit ESC to exit MESS. 3) In the MESS readme files you will find various command line options that you can use to tweak the performance and options of the emulator. In sMESS and MESSfront, you can toggle those parameters, or you can also edit "mess.cfg" in notepad or other text editor until the options are correct. Function Keys: |
Tab | Toggles the configuration menu |
Tilde (~) | Toggles On Screen Display (Volume, brightness, etc.) |
P | Pause |
Shift-P | While paused, advance to next frame |
F3 | Reset |
F4 | Show the game graphics. Use cursor keys to change set/color, F5 or Esc to return to the emulation. |
F9 | Changes frameskip on the fly |
F10 | Toggle speed throttling |
F11 | Toggle speed display |
Shift-F11 | Toggle profiler display |
F12 | Save a screen snapshot. The default target directory is SNAP. |
ESC | Exit Emulator |
Settings: General It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with all aspects of the options menu (TAB key) and the on screen display (~). Speed Issues Depending on your computer, you may need to speed up emulation. There are several ways this can be done: - Turning off anti-aliasing (plays up to
30% faster) 3d Settings In 3 of the games (3d Minestorm, Narrow Escape, 3d Crazy Coaster), you can play the games in 3 dimensions with the use of a standard pair of blue/red anaglyph glasses (check you friendly neighborhood comic shop). When you start one of those games in the emulator, go to the configuration menu and go into "dip switches". Turn 3d emulation on. Then assign red to one eye and blue to the other, then return to the game. If you cannot see the 3d effect then go back and reverse the colors to match the glasses you have. Give you eyes a couple of minutes to adjust, focus on items on the far horizon. Since the 3D games use no overlays, feel free to enter the On Screen Display and turn up the brightness for a clearer 3d. I'm not sure what "timer 2 refresh" is, but I have it set to "yes". A good way to play the 3d games without glasses is to turn 3d emulation on, set the LEFT EYE image to Black and set the RIGHT EYE image to Color. This gives you the game in full color, without the double image. In Minestorm 3D, to make it easier to tell whether objects are behind or on the same plane as you, set the LEFT EYE image to Blue instead of Black. IMPORTANT: Don't forget to turn off 3d emulation before switching back to the regular games.
Other: |
Screenshots Features - Programmable
4-button joystick support; programmable keyboard layout List of Systems Also Supported by MESS:
and more to come...
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