Archive for the ‘Metal Gear Online’ Category

Metal Gear Online Hands-On Beta Preview [1up]

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

From the preview~

"Once the truly awful registration process was completed, MGO ran pretty much without a hitch — or, at least as well as you could expect a public beta originating from Japan to run. We experienced sporadic connection problems — specifically when the host decided he’d had enough for the day — and a few inopportune moments of lag that allowed an enemy solider to get the jump on me and close-quarters-combat my brains out. I can’t possibly speak on behalf of the entire beta-player population, but MGO ran pretty solidly. Forgive the pun."

Click ahead for the full read - 1up’s Metal Gear Online Hands-On Beta Preview

(source: 1up)

Metal Gear Online Beta Invites Going Out To PlayStation GAP Members

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

"PlayStation Gamer Advisory Panel members ought to check (and re-check) their spam filters, as they may be on the receiving end of an unsolicited Metal Gear Online beta invite. Our helpful tipsters—who moonlight as lucky bastards—have already been notified that they’ll be able to participate without having to pre-order Metal Gear Solid 4. Good thing Sony and Konami waited until (most of) the bugs were shaken out before distributing to GAPers. Oh, that’s a horrid name for it…

Thanks to Marcus and Ernesto for the heads up."

(source: Kotaku)