Game Boy Advance
Release Date (Japan):
March 21st, 2001
Release Date (North America):
June 12th, 2001
Release Date (Europe):
June 22nd, 2001
Release Date (Australia):
Nintendo RD1/ND Cube
Takehiro Izushi
Kazunobu Shimizu
Link cable and Mobile
support (Japan only).
Additional Resources:
Secrets and Codes
Music Tracks
Pilot Profiles
Tracks and Maps
Video and Commercials
F-Zero: MV (Official)
F-Zero: MV Fan
Box Art:
Japanese Box Art
North American Box Art -
European Box Art |

As launch title for the
Game Boy Advance, F-Zero: Maximum Velocity was a SNES-look-a-like in terms
of playability. But once the shock of a portable F-Zero game has worn off,
you'll realize that this is one of the better GBA racing games out there.
Add in 4-player action, Championship mode, and (in Japan) the ability to
trade scores with cell phones, and you have a great racer.

Game Story:
Captain Falcon, Dr. Stewart... It's been a quarter of a century since they
piloted their way to fame as F-Zero racers, and as time has passed, their
days of glory have faded into something resembling legend. The extreme
danger involved in F-Zero has caused some to call for an end to these
races, but now a new generation of pilots have emerged and is looking to
continue writing the sport's history. It is a timeless quest for victory,
fame and fortune.
Mankind had settled into
a period of relative calm following its great leap into space. Among those
recovering from the initial space race frenzy were powerful merchants of
the day. They had learned through experience that, while the far reaches
of space offered incredible trading opportunities, the enormous distances
opened them up to the ravages of piracy. They realized that they couldn't
afford the cost of constantly being robbed, so they settled into simply
regulating and defending their existing territories. Their conservative
business practices put a lot of high-priced space pilots out of work, and
so there came a rise in the number of daring men and women looking to get
rich quick the only way left to them... as F-Zero pilots. |