The first colony on Mars, established in 2020,
was intended to just be a military and scientific
outpost. When more-lucrative colonies near Jupiter
attracted more resources and attention from Earth,
the Mars expedition was essentially forgotten -
for a while.
The Progen are descendents of the original settlers
of Mars Colony. The hardships endured, and overcome,
by their ancestors have led the Progen to believe
that they are the future saviors of the human race.
The general Progen mindset is one of overcoming
adversity by bending the environment to their will.
They see "First Contact" with alien races as inevitable,
and most of their culture and society is built around
surviving, and dominating, this event.
Because of their unrelenting desire for superiority,
the Progen have evolved into a clone culture. Every
Progen's skills, traits, and behavior are planned
and implemented before he or she is born. One trait
common to all Progen is obedience to authority;
their militaristic mindset seems foreign to Jenquai
and Terrans, but to a Progen it is necessary for
an ordered society. |
Progen society is divided into rigid castes determined
before an individual is conceived: Warriors, Workers,
Proles (servants), Technicians, Athletes, and Leaders.
Within each caste there are classifications, ranging from
Alpha (the leaders), to Beta, Delta, Gamma and Theta.
These are broken down even further into specific ranges
within a certain caste. Caste can be changed at any time
during a Progen's life, except for proles.
There are specific laws governing the intimate interactions
of the genetic classes. Any genetic class can couple with
any other genetic class; however, where mating and marital
unions are concerned, the lines are more rigid. As a rule,
Betas and below are allowed to mate with any other Beta
or below. A genetic profile must be determined before
a child can be conceived, and the embryo is incubated
at a Life Institute for the full nine-month term. During
this period, development is constantly monitored, and
extreme aberrations are fixed as soon as detected.
The newborn is placed in the care of the mating pair for
a period of five to six years so that family bonds can
be established. Aptitude is closely monitored, and the
child is introduced to indoctrination and conditioning
in whatever caste he or she has been determined to join.
While the Terrans have a much-larger population, the Progen
have the fastest-growing population base. This is the
result of a policy that has accelerated within the last
decade as they see the Terran numerical advantage potentially
threatening Progen sovereignty. There are currently about
10 billion Progen throughout the system. A side effect
of Progen genetic engineering is that they live longer
than the other races. A typical Progen will outlive his
or her Terran counterpart by 50 years, and the average
Jenquai by 20 years.
Progen economic policy is more socialistic than capitalistic.
Basic needs are available to all, and non-essential luxury
items fetch a higher price. The successful Progen businesses
work closely with the government, and most have some military
One recreational activity that Progen allow themselves
is sports; Progen sporting events are typically ultra-violent
and some enjoy a cult-like following.
Crime and other aberrant behaviors do exist in Progen
society, and are dealt with as diseases, not behavioral
problems. If aberrant behavior cannot be changed, the
person in question is removed from the population. There
are no long-term Progen penal facilities. Those Progen
criminals who manage to survive are among the most successful,
and feared, in the galaxy. |