A decade of exploring...
The Jenquai are the descendents of the first explorers
to map the far reaches of the solar system. Jenquai
ancestors struck out from Earth on giant long-haul
deep space shuttles knowing that turn around time
from when they reached their destiny to when they
returned to Earth would be measured in years. The
Jenquai have turned the pursuit of knowledge and
the clarity of logic into a religion. Most Jenquai
feel that the universe as a whole is the divine
power and that all life encompasses that power.
The Jenquai physiology is a result of adapting to
the alien environments they encounter. These environments
ranged from prolonged space travel to the low density,
low gravity conditions on some galaxy's outer worlds.
The low gravity of most Jenquai worlds means that,
on average, Jenquai are weaker than either Terrans
or Progen. However, they have faster reaction times
and acute sight and hearing. Dexterity is highly
valued along with mental agility.
Jenquai technology is the most advanced overall,
especially in areas of gravitational control and
electromagnetic manipulation. Jenquai technology
is widely regarded as the most elegant and graceful. |