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Guided Missile
Max damage: 3
At the highest point of its flight a guided missile will start scanning for enemy units in front of it.  If it finds enemy units within its scanning range it'll lock on to the nearest one and engage its rockets to guide itself towards its target.  Once the rockets engage guided missiles move quickly, but they're not very maneuverable, so unless they're aimed straight at their target they may overshoot and have to circle around, sometimes running into hills (or even the ground) in the process.  They have a small blast radius that will do partial damage to units close enough to their explosion.

Max damage: 2
When an EMP impacts the ground or a unit it disables every unit within its blast radius for a turn cycle.  An EMP will also cause up to 2 damage to any unit it lands on directly.  If an EMP lands on and kills a damaged energy collector or crawler it will disable the unit before killing it (so it won't go off with a big bang).  An EMP's blast radius is slightly larger than a shield's radius (so EMP's can disable shields).



Power Spike
Max damage: 3x2
When a spike hits a cord it sends a power surge along the cord in both directions, causing up to 3 damage to the units at each end of the cord (the farther the spike travels to reach a unit, the less damage it'll do to that unit).  If a spike hits a unit directly it will cause 3 damage to that unit and send a power surge along the cord connecting to its parent hub.

Max damage: 3 or 5
When a reclaim hits a unit it converts the unit's armor into energy (which gets banked for you to use next round).  Any unit destroyed by a reclaim will vanish harmlessly.  Used on your own units a single reclaim can convert up to 5 armor (allowing you to reclaim any of your own units with a single reclaim).  Against enemy units (or one of your own units infected by an enemy virus), however, a reclaim can only convert 3 armor.



Spy Balloon
Armor: 1
Spy balloons, like towers, allow you to see through the fog around them.  Unlike towers, though, balloons float freely in the air with no cord attaching them to a hub and are very difficult to hit with anything but missiles.

Proximity Mine
Armor: 3
Damage: 3
At the height of their flight proximity mines will split apart into three in the same manner as cluster bombs.  If a mine lands safely on flat terrain it becomes active, otherwise (if it lands on another unit or a cliff) it explodes harmlessly.  If anything moves within an active proximity mine's small detection radius then the mine will destruct and cause 3 damage to all nearby units (the blast radius being slightly larger than its detection radius).  Disabled mines will not self-destruct and can be destroyed safely.








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