More Boxers Confirmed with Screenshots

IGN has just released a new batch of screenshots featuring previously unseen boxers for EA Sports Fight Night Round 4.  Here are the screens for your viewing pleasure:

[nggallery id=1]

What I could notice from these screenshots was:

- Facial damage system looking very good. Just look at the simple, realistic cut over Pavlik’s eye in one pic or the swollen cheek on Roy Jones Jr.

- 1-2 more venues shown

- Kelly Pavlik is in.

- Winky Wright and Ricky Hatton look perfect.

- The gloves on some boxers get bloody.

- Detail on audience. A trainer has a VIP pass with detail in one screenshot.

- Gloves actually look like they are making contact. On one screenshot, glove gets deformed on contact.

- The Winky-Mora screenshot (best screenshot for now) showing their footwork and Mora getting close to Winky.

- James Toney seems to be looking better. His nose is spot-on from the side.

The boxers confirmed with this set of pictures were:

Light Heavy:
- Roy Jones Jr.
- Jermain Taylor (was he ever LHW?)

-Sergio Mora
-Winky Wright
- Kelly Pavlik

-Vinnie Paz
- Ricky Hatton

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