Welcome to the Fight Night Nation Podcast, a weekly podcast dedicated to the hottest news and topics related to EA Sports Fight Night franchise as well as boxing. In it, three fans discuss the news regarding their favorite game franchise as well as take on calls from listeners. Guests from the online community will periodically come about and speak out their mind regarding latest features and news.
The main system/page used to record podcasts is at:
Each new episode will be posted here and you will be able to listen it by streaming from inside this page. On main page, just click on Podcast tab under the main news section and you will see our Archive for Podcast Episodes. For now you can follow that link for all newest episodes and to listen to it live while it is recording so you can call the show as well. To call, follow the directions on the Talkshoe site. It is free and you do not have to make an account if you do not want to.
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