---WickedEnds ---
---Elite Force of theThirdReich---
---the War Documents---
***Information here is displayed in hope that the community can become familiar with this mod .***
SO DONT EXPECT PERFECTION and remember this is just an alphaRelease
this release is for demonstration purposes and critizim only
--- Gameplay ---
4 Bases 4 Generals 4 Teams
i will be including bots and monsters down the road
for that extra playability for the lonely player
Each teams mission is to conquer 3 enemy bases while protecting their own. If your base is destroyed, you cannot respawn. The base is rebuildable, but only if a member(s)of the conquered team is still alive, and whats needed is supplied. Player(s) can contribute their points to the rebuilding of the base, making the base stronger as a result. If successful, the dead team members, if any, will respawn. Also, the players(s) responsible for the rebuilding will also go up one rank.
if a team successfully destroys all 3 enemy bases then that team all goes up a rank
The maps will be BIG as you will see or have seen with the tTR_thePYRAMIDS map
and most everything will be destroyable along with the landscape as you have seen or will see in the tTR_DeathTrap3000v1(all green grass texture are detroyable)
these maps are for demonstration purposes only
since maps will be hug i am going to be including teleporters and jumppads(to speed the gameplay up) that is a maybe tho
i am working toward and RPG (NOT AN RPG) just the ASPECT were a player can configure and save the character class he chooses (that will be a betaONE release)
i added the wolf kick
i added the tesla gun
i added the fg42 thanks go out to boogie for the help and code on that
i added destoyable terrain check out the deathtrap 3000v1 map its a little laggy thats because of the water in the map and the engine having to have to draw the water really fast because it is hidden under the detroyable terrain
so at thias time and in other maps i will be make the water unlaggable or have no water at all
i will be adding teleports and jumppads to the maps
because one the maps will be large and
two i want to speed the game play up
i dont like this idea because well i want to have a scanner in the game and make it so you hunt your enemy down and then teams can hunt teams
but we will see how the community handles this release
i added alot of little things
to many to add
i also added leaning when shooting and special thanks to fretn for the addtion of the crosshar when leaning makes aiming al ot better now
i add a locational damage system NEEDS ALOT OF WORK
i have 5 maps i added as well they are for demonstration purposes as well i used these maps give myself an idea of how i wanted the game to intereact with the player'
like in mp_land i have made an underwater cavern lame it make look but you have to be the frogman to get to the gold
in the pyramids map i wanted to show size in the maps i would personally or have someone else make
in this release we wanted to show the ffort we would be willing to put into making a game
this alphatwo release is 10 megs of demonstration material
most of the work went into the code
i am sorry for any bugs thereare and for the ones you will find
Beware when you change maps it crashes oops
this will be fixed soon enough if i find a fix sooner then alphaTRHREE
ill release an alpha2patch if not definetly expect one in alphaTHREE
the tesla does not do any damge at this time
In order to create the war feeling
i wanted to add a few more classes to the game so there was Teaamwork on a higher scale
but remember its not all about classes its more about how those classes interact with one another
A TEAM consists of FIVE parts or to be specific in the naming = Five Squads which are not complete at this time
Each squad has his purposes in the game and must assist another squad(s) as they do there task
Control Center
General BaseBound = General Controls the team by using the control center which is his own base from
there he has access to all 3 outposts and sends commands from there recon will be able to position a number of cameras around the map (were ever the general wants them) so that he can view that area of the map
Any of the playertypes below are considered a rogue because they are individually used thruout the battle for more then one task
Recon - R -Watches all things happening in the battlefield plants cameras and also assist in radio communications from a team member requasting reinforcements from the general (Field to Base communications)
Assassin - A - Must Try to Assassinate the General at all times if the general dies before the rest of the team or before the base is destroyed then the base is weakend by loss of his points makeing the base even weaker
Life Support - L - These are the medics in the field it is there duty to keep any and all even the enemy alive
FrogMan - F - got an underwater obstacle that needs takeing out then use the frogman
Scientist = Will chuck flamebarrels at you in alphaTHREE and will be able to poison you with toxis chemicals
They are the base destroyers, general killers and stone conquerors!
This is in any of the trooper classes
only the general can deploy and they stay in the base untill deployed and are also used as defenders of there base
are used in all backup situations the general can spawn any trooper any were at any time except inside of a enemies base
that will come later they are used mostly for OutPostDefense Base Defense and as a last resort for the strikeforce
DOOMtrooper will spawn randomly into a battle or a base.
Paratrooper- will spawn above a battle or a base.
Flametrooper- will spawn inside of a battle or a base.
Teslatrooper- will spawn outside of a battle or a base.
after a base is conquered reinforcements are deployed by the general which is usally one of the trooper classes
it is the reinforcments job to build the outpost
and then it is his or their responciblity for protecting the conquered stone untill the recon can come and safely take it back to his home base
each time a stone is conquered that team who conquered it becomes stronger so a team can have up to 3x its original strength
this is only as long as they posses the powerstone
OutPostONE = the First Enemy Base you Destroy you build OutPostONE and place the Stone inside and guard at all costs
OutPostTWO = the Second Enemy Base you Destroy you build OutPostTWO and place the Stone inside and guard at all costs
OutPostTHREE = the Third Enemy Base you Destroy you build OutPostTHREE and place the Stone inside and guard at all costs
You are not allowed to rebuild outposts, only bases!!!???
--- Player Classes ---
There are 12 new player classes and one hidden one:)
- Attributes -
All classes have their own defined height.-COMING SOON-Bounding Box issue
All classes have there own defined speeds.DONE=Speed values are SlowWalk, NormalWalk, FastWalk, Jog, SlowRun, Run, FastRun, Sprint, and RhiNoCHARGE. -They are not named at this time follow the numbers
All classes have their own defined armor.DONE=Armor values are Weak, Light, Strong, Heavy, and RhinoSKIN
All classes have their own defined health.DONE
All classes have their own defined inventory.DONE
All classes have their own defined weapon(s).DONE
(Thanks go out to ScottHOOD and Cj of THEunderGROUND, and fretn from the Planet Wolfenstein Forums for help in the player class code THANKS GUYS)
General - G -
Primary Weapon - Sten
Secondary Weapon - Luger/Colt, Knife
Specials - Binoculars, Ammo Packs
Health - 300
Armor - 200
Fatigue - 60 Seconds
Invulnerability - 6 Seconds
Run Speed - 1.0
Sprint Speed - 1.5
Primary Ammo - 1x Clip
Secondary Ammo - 3x Clip
Grenades - 1x
The Generals purpose is to watch over the Recon who allows the generals to watch over the rest of the team actions and distribute orders accordingly due to cameras in the field that the recons plant. The General, though, is base-bound, meaning he cannot leave the base.the only defense he has mneaing armor is the base it goes he is toast
the general can also distribute ammo packs to respawning players before they go out on to the battlefield and assist in the war
Recon - R -
Primary Weapon - Sten, Mp40, Thompson
Secondary Weapon - Luger/Colt, Knife
Specials - Binoculars
Health - 400
Armor - 150
Fatigue - 60 Seconds
Invulnerability - 6 Seconds
Run Speed - 2.0
Sprint Speed - 2.4
Primary Ammo - 2x Clip
Secondary Ammo - 3x Clip
Grenades - 2x
The Recons sole purpose is to watch the oppositions movements from afar, then run in quickly to grab the objectives
Life Support - L -
Primary Weapon - Sten, Mp40, Thompson
Secondary Weapon - Luger/Colt, Knife
Specials - Medical Packs, Syringe
Health - 375
Armor - 310
Fatigue - 60 Seconds
Invulnerability - 10 Seconds
Run Speed - 1.5
Sprint Speed - 2.5
Primary Ammo - 3x Clip
Secondary Ammo - 3x Clip
Grenades - 3x
Life Support will revive fallen teammates and keep the team healthy with his or there ammo and health packs.
Assassin - A -
Primary Weapon - Sten
Secondary Weapon - SD Luger, Knife
Specials - Binoculars (Without artillery option)
Health - 450
Armor - 300
Fatigue - 90 Seconds
Invulnerability - 10 Seconds
Run Speed - 1.7
Sprint Speed - 2.4
Primary Ammo - 2x Clip
Secondary Ammo - 4x Clip
Grenades - 0x
The Assassin quickly and quietly infiltrates the enemys base, picking off enemies stealthily and efficiently.
He has low run speeds and fast sprint speeds use the sprint wisely and you will go far and if your using the sprint keep jumping afterwardsyou will continue a consistent speed (You will Learn)
Frogman- SC -
Primary Weapon - Speargun
Secondary Weapon - Luger/Colt, Knife
Specials - Scuba suit
Health - 325
Armor - 275
Fatigue - 45 Seconds
Invulnerability - 10 Seconds
Run Speed - 1
Sprint Speed - 1.8
Primary Ammo - 10x Spears
Secondary Ammo - 3x Clip
Grenades - 1x
The Scubasoldier is able to stay underwater for extended periods of time. The speargun is deadly, with a chance of a one-hit kill, but is only able to be fired underwater.
at this time we are using the machinegun, alphaTHREE will have a new weapon model
SuperSoldier - SS -
Primary Weapon - Panzerfaust/Rocket
Secondary Weapon - Luger/Colt
Specials - None
Health - 650
Armor - 400
Fatigue - 35 Seconds
Invulnerability - None
Run Speed - .4
Sprint Speed - .7
Primary Ammo - 5x Rockets
Secondary Ammo - 3x Clip
Grenades - 0x
The SuperSoldiers duty is to protect the General at all costs. He is the Generals body guard, so he is also base-bound. He is the generals and the bases last defense.
Demolitions - D -
Primary Weapon - Sten, Mp40, Thompson
Secondary Weapon - Luger/Colt, Knife
Specials - Dynamite
Health - 350
Armor - 250
Fatigue - 60 Seconds
Invulnerability - 10 Seconds
Run Speed - 1.3
Sprint Speed - 1.9
Primary Ammo - 2x Clip
Secondary Ammo - 2x Clip
Grenades - 10x
Only armed with dynamite, the Demolitions will need to combine with the Bomb Squad to activate the dynamite, adding a new team aspect.
Ballistics - B -
Primary Weapon - Venom
Secondary Weapon - Luger/Colt, Knife
Specials - None
Health - 450
Armor - 400
Fatigue - 25 Seconds
Invulnerability - None
Run Speed - .7
Sprint Speed - 1
Primary Ammo - 2x Clip
Secondary Ammo - 3x Clip
Grenades - 0x
The Ballistics crew, is heavily armed and armored. Lay down the heavy firepower when ya absolutely gotta kill EVERY mofo in da room.
It will be ballistics job to backup the demolitions and the bombsquad as they are doing there job
MortarMAN - M -
Primary Weapon - Mortar
Secondary Weapon - Luger/Colt, Knife
Specials - Binoculars
Health - 375
Armor - 225
Fatigue - 60 Seconds
Invulnerability - 10 Seconds
Run Speed - 1
Sprint Speed - 1.5
Primary Ammo - 10x Mortar Rockets
Secondary Ammo - 3x Clips
Grenades - 1x
The Mortar Soldier is able to launch rockets high above walls, crashing down into the enemys base. Good for support fire, when trying the flush the enemy out of an area.
It will be the MortarMans job to backup the demolitions and the bombsquad as they are doing there job as well as himself
At this time the mortar weapon has infinite ammo this will be most defiley change for alphaTHREE also in alphaTHREE you will need to crouch to shoot mortar or use all your fatigue to shoot how you do now which is walking or running and shooting
all i wanted to do was get the weapon working
also be sure if you are the mortar man not to switch weapons when you first time spawn or respwn or you will lose the mortar SORRY i need to create a whole new weapon funxtion for it
!!!thank you boogieman for the heads up!!!
DOOMtrooper - RM -
Primary Weapon - Mauser
Secondary Weapon - Luger/Colt, Knife
Specials - Binoculars
Health - 375
Armor - 250
Fatigue - 75 Seconds
Invulnerability - 10 Seconds
Run Speed - 1.3
Sprint Speed - 2
Primary Ammo - 3x Clip
Secondary Ammo - 3x Clip
Grenades - 2x
A rifleman is a soldier with a rifle-plain and simple. He is equipped with an unscoped mauser rifle. Some one with a good aim can do some damage
Paratrooper - PT -
Primary Weapon - FG42
Secondary Weapon - Luger/Colt, Knife
Specials - Binoculars (W/o artillery strike option)
Health - 250
Armor - 175
Fatigue - 30 Seconds
Invulnerability - None
Run Speed - 1.2
Sprint Speed - 1.9
Primary Ammo - 2x Clip
Secondary Ammo - 3x Clip
Grenades - 2x
The Paratrooper has the ability to drop down behind enemy lines and snipe from short distances. The weapon is deadly but inaccurate, making the Paratrooper a fairly easy target without backup. (Or one really good sniping spot)
Flametrooper - FT -
Primary Weapon - Flamethrower
Secondary Weapon - Knife
Specials - None
Health - 125
Armor - 100
Fatigue - 30 Seconds
Invulnerability - None
Run Speed - .8
Sprint Speed - 1
Primary Ammo - 1x Tank
Secondary Ammo - None
Grenades - 1x
The Flametrooper is slow but deadly with right use. A few puffs of flames will take almost anybody down quickly, but low health, low ammo, and slow speed are the consequences.
Teslatrooper - TT -
Primary Weapon - Tesla Cannon
Secondary Weapon - Knife
Specials - None
Health - 150
Armor - 150
Fatigue - 30 Seconds
Invulnerability - None
Run Speed - 1
Sprint Speed - 1.3
Primary Ammo - 1x Tesla Coil
Secondary Ammo - None
Grenades - 2x
The Teslatrooper is very much like the Flametrooper. Very deadly, but suffering the consequences.
This Weapon does NO damage at this time
not till alphaTHREE it is for demonstration purposes only
Hidden Class - Mega Soldier - MGS -
Primary Weapon - All
Secondary Weapon - All
Specials - All
Health - 50
Armor - 25
Fatigue - 15 Seconds
Invulnerability - None
Run Speed - .5
Sprint Speed - .7
Primary Ammo - Varies between different weapons
Secondary Ammo - Varies between different weapons
Grenades - 10x
The MegaSoldier is a secret class which can be unlocked via a secret console command. Note that this class is for fun reasons only, thus low stats. If this class becomes a problem, the option for the MegaSoldier will be made a server option.