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Posts: 133
« on: October 02, 2008, 03:09:50 PM » |
This is only the alphaONE so dont expect perfection im mainly dealing with player classes at this time i will be focusing on maps and models in later releases i just wanted to get the theThirdReich out so people new i wasn't joking about doing a mod i have some basic fundamentals to work with and there are more to come ive planned several tutorials to accompany tis mod and they will be up shortly
Each Player class has an additional backup weapon with an additional speed increase with this comes change
The Soldier is now my Sniper Class The Engineer is now my Ballistics Class Medic is Medic Lieutenant is Lieutenant
i will be adding more classes
Here is what i have so far
Soldier-Sniper-SniferRifle - 12ammo x2clips 14Grenades. The soldier is now only able to select one of the rifles. he no longer has the ability to use the panzerfaust, venom or flamethrower. This could change due to being able to drop the weapons. Then again it is really hard to test your mod with only one person.
So i'm not sure if i can pick the weapon up and use it or not i have it coded to do so so any input would be nice AND iF iT DOES WORK iT MAT BE BUGGY
i've increased the sniper rifle to a one hit kill weapon it now does 140 damage
if it seems a little high then tell me (i'm all for change) but i thought it sounded real enough its really the only weapon he gets so he has to make the ammo last and be a good shot or he is dead
Engineer-Ballistics-Venom 120ammo x2clips The 2clips can be combined to make one clip of 240ammo just hit reload 14 Grenades Pliers DestroyableDynamite AmmoPacks i've given the Ballistics the capability of distributing ammo to ht e other classes and to him or herself i've made the dynamite- destroyable it only destroys objectives when it has been planted and the timer set to 30 seconds the destroyable dynamite is only good for a quick kill booby trap or a last defense!!!
Medic-Flame-thrower 100ammo x3clips there is no animation for the reload the flamethrower just disappears from the screen for half a second and then reappears The Flame is allot hotter now it now does 100damage
Lieutenant-Panzerfaust 8ammo no clip i've increased the splashradius of the airstrike its now at 14hundred i would take cover
i've added a scubasuit it is still rather buggy just because of the controls i need to imbed it as a player item just bind a key to scubasuit something Just type something like this /bind s scubasuit into the console by hitting ~ i'm working on a bombsuit for alphaTWO
You can now shoot under the water You can now shoot around corners
With the backup weapon comes a speed increase as well it is pretty much the same speed as when we carry a rifle
i have doubled all ammo amounts for the rifles This is still a little buggy its on the TODO list
i've added a message everytime you throw a grenade it says grenaaaaade i'm thinking about having these messages broadcastable so maybe we can have player interactive messages that we can make appear on the screen i've added messages to the panzerfaust and for the airstrike as well
i've increased the bounce of the flamingbarrel each time it hits the ground it rumbles you a little its pretty intensive when your upclose ill ditch this if no one likes it
i've increased the maxheat for the venom you can get about 130ammo fired before you have to cool down
There is no more Jump Delay if i get enough negetive feedback them ill make it a server side option because i like to bunny hop like i could in q3
All classes except the soldier are now equipped with the binoculars just because the soldier has the siperrifle as a default weapon and it has a a scope already
ive increased the Time between location updates its on the fly now
ive slowed the rocket down a bit it was 900 its now 666
if you try to load one of the soldiers old heavy weapons it will default to the machine gun when you spawn into the game this goes for the sniper rifle i wouldnt want you have to rifles now would i
There is now weapon controled player speeds this is for backup only it was there before it made you walk slow when you had the venom ive increased the speed for carry weapons when you carry a machine gun you go original speed
The dynamites splashradius is larger now so when you decide to shoot it make sure your some where safe
YOu can now reload while you are leaning
i like being able to squirm my way around a corner and snipe someone you have alot more flexibility now that you can shoot around corners try wiggling up down and around the corner ill have to make a demo
Dead Bodies now stay for the remainder of the round i may do away with this depending on what the crowd says
i've included the appropriate files to set up a server for theThirdReich just place these files in the root of the Return Castle Wolfenstein Game Folder i cant seem to connect when i running a dedicated server and i have tried many different ways ive done it before thaty is why i have provided the server files please run them and debug them if you can then get back to me this will allow for theThirdReich to better itself due to your input:) just change the paths for the links accordingly