So, you've got your game and ready to go, right? Not quite. You've still got to get a place to live in town and move in. Like real life, you've got to find your self a house, and try to pay for it.
You start your game near the end of a long train trip to your new home. A cat by the name of Rover will sit down by you and ask a few questions which basicly serve to get a bit of info of you for the game.

He'll give you the time currantly set in your GameCube. If it's not correct or you simply want it set at a diffrent time, you can change it (note - this doesn't change the clock in your GameCube, it simply off-sets your town's clock from it).

Like many of his questions, this only effects the way your face will look (as there are many diffrent faces in the game). He'll sit down either way.

Give your name exactly as you want it as that's the spelling the game will use (it's not recomended to use special characters as it makes trading items later in the game slighlty harder).

If you say it's "cool" he'll assume your a boy, if you say it's "cute" he'll assume your a girl. Though, you will be able to correct him if he's wrong.

This is where you put in what you want your town to be named (again, try not to use special characters).
Again, these only help to determine what your face will look like.
He'll then go to call his friend, Tom Nook, who happens to live in your town to help hook you up with a house to live in. Now you're set to start playing.
So, you've made it to town. Rover's buddy, Tom Nook (whom you'll come to know pretty well), will be there to meet you at the station. He'll let you choose one of the 4 houses in the center of town, and ask for payment.... which you don't have nearly enough money for. So, you'll have a mortage that you'll have to pay off during your time in the game, and ol' Tom will upgrade your house after each complete payment. He'll also fill you in on how to use your personal Gyroid.
You'll then take on a part time job at Nook's shop. He'll give you 6 jobs ranging from planting flowers, delivering items, writing letters, and posting messages on the town buliten board. Use the map at the Train Sation to find the locations you need to go to until you get a map of your own. He'll let you go after you've paid off a pretty small portion of your debt. The whole proccess shouldn't take much more then half an hour. After you've completed your jobs, your free to go about the town as you please.