Streets of Rage Online
[ Ending ]
Streets of Rage was one of the few games, especially in the early 16-bit period, to have alternate endings.

- Good Ending
- Bad Ending

[ Streets of Rage Menu ]

Good Ending
This is the normal, happy ending that you get if you just defeat Mr X.

The heroes look at Mr X's body - maybe they should have checked whether he was dead - it would have saved the city a lot of trouble later.

This pic turns up as a photo at the start of Streets of Rage 2. The question is; who, from this angle, could take a photo?

They emerge from Syndicate HQ to find their nameless, rocket-launcher wielding, trigger happy colleague waiting for them.

A very muscular Axel shakes his hand.

The car drops them off by the beach. The trio stand there as the sun sets, until finally it is night and a star comes out. In the background a horribly distorted "waves on a beach" sound can be heard..
Bad Ending
This is available only in two player. When Mr X asks you about becoming his right-hand man one player must reply yes, the other no (if both say yes you will be dumped into Round 6). Whoever wins the resulting fight to the death between the two players is then asked again by Mr X. about becoming his right-hand man. The player must say no (or face going back to Round 6), and then the normal fight with Mr X will begin. Beat him and you will seize control of the Syndicate! See Cheats & Tips for a full guide to the ending choices.

This ending is of course different for each character. Also, there is a cool evil remix of the Streets of Rage theme in the background!

Your character sits on the boss' chair, secure in the knowledge that they are "great".

They laugh evilly, using about 2 animation frames.

After the credits the picture fades to an old photo.

There is one problem with this ending; haven't the 3 heroes just destroyed the Syndicate on their way to Mr X? Looks like all they have left to rule over is that chair...