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Frequently Asked Questions
We hope this Question and Answer guide covers everything. If you have any questions, just ask. Below are some frequently asked questions. Click on the question to be brought down to the answer.
Question: Why won't this download work?
Answer: At times, some files FilePlanet will not be available due to maintenance reasons. Please try again later.

Q: Can you e-mail me some files?
A: No, I will NOT email you ANY files. Read this step-by-step guide on how to download files. If that guide does not work, then you do not deserve to be on the Internet.

Q: May I put a download file on my site?
A: Well, if I, Ego God made something, then I don't mind you putting it on your site as long is credit is give in a clearly seen spot. However, if you can to put up something made by someone else, you have to ask that person.

Q: I'm low on server space, can I link directly to a file?
A: No. A good web site should have their own stuff on their own server. If your site needs to leach off other people's stuff, then you shouldn't bother owning a site.

Q: Can I use your thumbnails, site layout, desings, etc. for my site?
A: An extemely big NO! I've put years into this web site, so please come up with your own layout and ideas.

Q: What's a good and free zip program?
A: For Windows, ZipItFasT is pretty good.
For Mac OSX, there's StuffIt Expander
Q: What is the meaning of life?
A: The answer is simple; to stop loneliness. Have fun and spread joy.

Q: How do I set a wallpaper for my desktop?
A: Select the dimensions of the picture to download for your screen resolution. If in doubt, select the largest picture, as your computer will adjust the size of the image to fit your desktop.

For Windows using Internet Explorer or Netscape
1. Wait until the image has fully loaded.
2. Put your mouse cursor over the image.
3. Right-click on the image.
4. Select and click "Set as Wallpaper" from the pop-up menu.

Macintosh system 8.0 and above:
1. Wait until the image has fully loaded.
2. Put your cursor over the image.
3. Hold the control key and click the mouse button.
4. Choose "Save Image As" to store the image on your Mac's hard drive.
5. Open the "Appearance" control panel and click the "Desktop" tab.
6. Open the 'Appearance' control panel and click on the 'desktop' tab. Then drag the newly downloaded picture onto the image of the screen.

Q: Can you host my Sonic site?
A: No, I will not do that, but I do not mind hosting Sonic projects - if they are good.

Q: Sometimes it seems like the staff are on drugs when you update. Are you?
A: No, we're just insane. Sometimes we type with with noses because we have to wear white jackets.

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