Sonic Flash Movies and Games
Here at SoaH's Sonic Flash section there are movies and games made for Adobe's Flash Player (formerly Macromedia Flash). We're looking for flash content, so if you want to submit a game or movie that you've created, read this page. The flash content is sorted by title and the descriptions are written by the authors.
Sonic Glitched 1 |
by Flacko The Weasel |
4.1 MB Movie |
This is from a flash series about the Sonic 3/2/1 Genesis games. These flases are about "gltches" of what never happends in a game, when something goes wrong and stuff. Unusual things you will never seen in the Genesis games, but here it happends.
Sonic Glitched 2 |
by Flacko The Weasel |
2.6 MB Movie |
This is from a flash series about the Sonic 3/2/1 Genesis games. These flases are about "gltches" of what never happends in a game, when something goes wrong and stuff. Unusual things you will never seen in the Genesis games, but here it happends.
Sonic Horribles In Takes |
by Amesuki |
1.7 MB Movie |
Here's the first of hopefully of many episodes of Sonic Horribles In Takes. Basically it's the happenings of Sonic which SEGA never wanted you to see.
Sonic Horribles In Takes 2 |
by Amesuki |
1.8 MB Movie |
Continuing from the first, this one features more blood, fights, mishaps, and musical happenings of Sonic, which SEGA never wanted you to see.
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