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Old news

07 August 2003 - Builders Paradise
These flags...

New tool. A windows version of the flag shifter tool. Found on the tool page.

New Datup. Final for a while.....I hope :)

And finally a new Map. 350 Falaise (France)

05 August 2003 - Builders Paradise
Summer summer summer summertime...

New Map, 345 Omaha2, France. Well actually it no more than a little modification of the Doug's Omaha map. Instead of bunkers on the beach you will find cities.
Also of new maps. 344 Leningrad West & 342 Tikhvin - both Russia

The Pg2repack tool have been updated.

24 July 2003 - Builders Paradise
Monte Calina...

New Map, 341 Bogor. Its in Java, Indonesia.
The Flagshifter tool has been updated. Data only, not the program.

22 July 2003 - Builders Paradise
We are back & ready...

The Datup is up and running again... hopefully it is problem free now :)
Download and have fun.

22 July 2003 - Builders Paradise

The Datup download has been suspended for 24 hours, in order to...yea well .. catch some slow dudes :(

21 July 2003 - Builders Paradise
So we are back to the beginning...

Various new maps have been upload since the last news update. So have a look around, you may find some stuff you don't have.

The Datup has been update. Unfortunately it's a new Datup1 :( With the shire amount of new icons and lots of old once being fittled with, there was only to update the reference again :(
Yes it sucks but that is the way it is!

Made a new program to easy switch flags around in the Panzer2.dat file. Takes only seconds to do. Currently support 39 different efiles, so you should have something to start with :)

Quick Panzer2.dat flag switcher.

8 May 2003 - Builders Paradise
Updating, updating...

Maps has been updated. Most of you might already have them, but now you can get them here too.

Mapnames has been updated. Some required a little editing, those that was in need of much editing was thrown out,- that would be mapnames for 289, 290, 291, 292, 401 and 402.

Map 332, 333, 334, 335, 336 and 337 was image updated.

New tools, as well as updated tools.

Updates all over Builders Paradise, of various things.
02 April 2003 - Builders Paradise
So how is it all hanging...

I'm In the process of updating everything, so there will be scores of new stuff over the next 14 days - as well as scores of broken links too - until it all falls in place.

Stay tuned and stay cool.
22 July 2002 - Builders Paradise
The boys are going camping ... 

Well this will be the last message for a while. I going away for a while on International service.
Please don't send me anything, - first of all because I will not read it and neither will you get any answer. 2nd because eventually you will fill my mail box and me not receiving any of it might annoy my ISP - and we would not wanna do that :) right! and you will get it all back anyway, as undelivered mail.

Anyway have it nicely while I'm gone. Already cant wait to see what you guys have come up with when I come back.

All pages and Graphic on Builders Paradise are copyrighted (c) by LHJWORLD (TM) 2003