have a suggestion for Majesty, who/where can I tell people about it? |
At the official Majesty wish
list forum.
rangers guild was destroyed, and I finished another one before they all
left, but they still left. |
The guild actually does "Adopt"
the ranger, but he still leaves. This is most likely a bug in the programing.
Hopefully it will be fixed in a patch soon.
is the highest level hero you can get? |
There have been wizards in the
150's, but that probably has been beat. Send me a screenshot of the highest
level hero you have (have it show both the level, the hero, and where the
hero is. (On the main map) I will continue to post the highest level hero
on this page. (Note: We have
a good one which will be posted soon. -Dragon)
is Cyberlore? |
Direct from Cyberlore's
webpage: "Cyberlore Studios' games proclaim a dedication to innovative
gameplay, dynamic visuals, and products that are just plain fun! From our
seminal project, "Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse" to the best-selling "Warcraft
II: Beyond the Dark Portal," gamers have learned to recognize Cyberlore-developed
work as outstanding entertainment"
you say a Kingdom Sim? What do you mean? |
Majesty is a unique kind of god
sim. Instead of playing a god manipulating the lives of your followers,
you are the sovereign of a kingdom in the mythical land of Ardania. You,
as sovereign, dictate the layout of your kingdom, managing how and where
you erect special structures. From these structures you recruit adventurers
who have their own unique behavior. They are, at no time, under your direct
control, but they are under your influence. You have to determine what
personality these characters have and discover what will inspire them to
complete your quests.
is the biggest monster in the game? |
Rock Golems are the biggest normal
monster in the game, but there are many unique monsters.
a tax collector dies who gets the money? |
If there are any heroes around
they get the money, otherwise it disappears.
heard you can only have one type of temple at a time! That sucks! |
Not true, if you get a Krolm temple
you can’t have any other, but there are two matching temples that go together,
and then another set of temples that will work with any temple except for
the other temple and Krolm. (Sound confusing??? I will get a table up soon.)
was the inspiration in creating Majesty? |
Settlers II, Heroes of Might &
Magic II, Warcraft II.
do I influence my characters? |
As your treasury grows, you will
be able to place reward flags for heroes. These flags are bounties that
you offer to complete a given task. There are a wide variety of possible
tasks, including eliminating a monster, or even finding a lost relic.
the player ever take control of the heroes during adventuring? |
As with most sims, players can't
ever take direct control of the heroes. One of the main features of Majesty
is that the heroes are intelligent and able to choose and carry our their
own actions. You can attempt to influence them by using rewards placed
on key locations or creatures.
all heroes essentially good? Can the player opt to build an 'evil' town? |
There are
no good or evil heroes per se, but each hero class has things which it
is aligned with, such as death or life, or the wilderness, etc. The characters
in the game are all defined as either heroes, henchmen or monsters. Heroes
are the characters that you influence during the game, monsters are your
enemies. Heroes may sometimes control monsters through the use of special
all heroes friendly to each other? |
Some classes
don't get along with each other and you can't have them in the same kingdom.
Adepts and Solarii are an example of this.
your town be attacked by monsters from time to time? |
Your town
will be attacked occasionally by wandering bands of monsters. You can defend
yourself by building guardhouses, auto-firing ballista towers (if dwarves
are present) or wizard's towers to cast spells at marauding monsters. Also
if you have a Wizard's Guild, you can blast the monsters yourself using
the spells that this guild provides for you (for a price).
there any form of random map generator, or only pre-build maps? |
All scenarios
are semi-random by design, so that they can be replayed many times. For
example, if you play 'Hold off the goblins' the objective and many map
items will be the same, but the layout and the geography will vary from
game to game. In addition, there is a freestyle game editor which will
allow you to choose from a number of options such as Starting Force, Enemy
Force, Map Style. The computer uses your selections to create a new quest.
how will that all work in Multiplayer? |
When a multiplayer
game begins the the objective is chosen at that time. It could be destroy
all monsters, amass the most gold, destroy your opponent's kingdom(s),
etc. The game itself will be symbiotic and as competitive as the players
choose to make it. When you place reward flags, any character will respond
to the call if they are:
1.Capable of performing that task
2.Feel that your reward is appealing.
The responding character
just might belong to another player! If that happens, your task is completed,
but the other player's economy will grow, as that adventurer brings your
reward back home.
form of co-op multiplay (more players playing the same 'side')? |
The basic
form of the multiplayer game is styled to be symbiotic and cooperative.
Your heroes will use the other player's buildings if appropriate. At the
same time there is nothing forcing you from being aggressive to your neighboring
kingdoms if that is your style.
players attack another players' city? |
can put attack flags on each other's pieces, thereby trying to influence
heroes to attack. Again, when you place a flag you are leaving the reward
there for ANY hero to claim. A hero with a low enough loyalty to his sovereign
might just choose to attack his own kingdom's palace if the reward were
great enough.
is the game resolution going to be? |
will be at 800x600 resolution in 16-bit color.
there a demo available? |
Yes, there
is. You can grab it from our site here (click the DOWNLOADS button on your
left). It's a little over 45 megs and contains a level that will not be
included in the final release version of the game. It should give you a
good feel for what the final game will be like without giving away all
of the surprises that we have in store for you. You can also get the demo
on CD in the February 2000 issue of COMPUTER GAMES MAGAZINE, and it can
be purchased for a couple bucks at many local retailers such as Electronics
will the game be released? |
It's out
there be walls? |
No, Unfortunately
due to path-finding restraints wall's cannot be implemented into the game.
but will there be towers? |
Yes, You
can build towers, although it is a expensive way to defend your town due
to the how the cost of buildings works.
How does the cost of buildings work? |
Every time
you building a building the next one of the same type cost more. Most buildings
don't start to get really expensive until the 4th one. Although guild
building costs skyrocket… Wizard Towers and Ballista towers always cost
the same.
heard the game is going gold or is a gold candidate, what does this mean? |
A "Gold"
candidate means it is being sent to publisher (Hasbro) to check for bugs
and to see if everything is all right with it. "Gone Gold"
means it is being sent to the presses! They are duplicating the original
CD which is sometimes gold-colored (where the name is derived from). Once
its "Gone Gold" it should be about 4 weeks until it hits the stores.
Since the game has released, we are well past the "Gold" stage at this
many heros/monsters are there in the game? |
Check the
World section on the Official Majesty
Website for the full info, but there are a lot of monsters and heros.
hard do the quest’s get? The demo was a piece of cake! |
The full
game gets MUCH harder.
can I get this game? |
Most online
stores such as EBWorld, Buy.com,
and Bits, etc and your local software store have it… Its out now!
have a question not answered in this F.A.Q. Who can I get the answer
from? |
Email me
at fsholars@hotmail.com