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Sites: |
- AutoSims
- Screenshots, reviews and links on rally and racing games
- BSmotorsports
- Everything you need for Dirt Track Racing and Sprint Cars
- CarBodyWorkshop
- Great Site for Nascar4 Designs
- Delta
Racing - Sim Racing Team
- DirtSimRacing.com
- The latest news, features and downloads for dirt sim racing
- DriverHQ
- #1 Source for everything Driver 1, 2 and 3 related
- Dutch
unofficial GP3 website - Title says it all
- New! F1
2001.com - The resource site for EA's F1 2001
- F1-GrandPrix3.net
- The number 1 source for Hasbro's Grand Prix 3
- F1
Racing Online - The best source for F1 Simulation Games
- Formulasims.com
- F1 Racing Championship news
- Formula
One Sims UK - Everything for racing sims
- Fusion-Motorsports.com
- Online race team specializing in the Papyrus and Ratbag
Brabham Page - Dave Schwabe's GPL Brabham Headquarters
- GP3.Pagina.nl
- Dutch GP3 Links site
- GP3
Yahoo Club - A club for the GP3 game
- Graminger
Racing - A sim-racing team competing in a couple of
GP2 & GP3 series
- GrandPrix2.net
League - The best GP2 league ever made
- New! Iain
Head's site - Website for Australian simracers
- International
Simulated Racing Network - Games News, League News,
Links, Reports, etc.
- Jim's
NASCAR Zone - A great help site, well worth checking
- JP
Racing - NFS: High Stakes & Scgt
- Meome.de
- German Racing Sim Portal
- Microsim
Racebase - Excellent range of simulation cockpits for
home or competitive use
- Midtown
Madness 2 Central - Behind The Wheel Racing's Midtown
Madness 2 site
- Midtown
Madness Zone - Latest news on Midtown Madness
- Midtown
Madness 2 Zone - Latest news on Midtown Madness 2
- Millennium
Design 2000 - NFS car designs site
- NASCAR-Racing-Sims.com
- The latest news on all NASCAR games
- Neil's
Racing Sims page - Ideas, downloads and screenshots
on current and future racing sims
- Police
Academy - The Best Mission for Driver
- Racecarsims.com
- THE simulation experts
- RaceSim.net
- Italian Racing Sim website
- RaceSimulator.com
- New website on Ubisoft's F1 Racing Championship
- Racing
Central - BTW Production
- Racing
Games Online Network - All About Racing Games on All
- Seeker's
Shade Tree Work Shop - Lots of downloads for DTR/DTRSC
- SimRacingMag
- Eric Cote's Sim Racing site
- Sim Racing
Network - Srnet covers all areas of the sim racing genre
- SimRacing-SetupShop
- Many good setups for Nascar4 and GPL
- SimRacingWorld
- The #1 Source for All Racing Sims
- Team
Lightspeed! - Lightspeed! Motorsports
- TeamLowETRacing
- your premier online NHRA2 online community and team site!
- Team
Heavy Metal - Many files, replays, screens from N4 and
online racing information
- The
Days Of Thunder Project for NASCAR 3/4 - Wanna join
the team?
- The
DrivingForce Cockpit - A new cockpit design, comfortable
driving position and cheap
- The
F1RC site - F1 Racing Championship fansite
- The
Ultimate Racing Sim Directoy - Racing Sim Links site
- The
US Pits - One of the oldest sim racing websites
- Tom's
Unofficial RC Website - all you need for Rally Championship
- Torn8oAlley.com
- As close as you can get without getting hurt (Nascar site)
- Tschaeck´s
Racingsims - Daily news on racing sims (German site)
- Wall
Studios - Designs and production of Motocross Madness
2 bike and rider skins
- Whit
Racing - Downloads for Racing Sims, info on F1, a Cicuit
archive, etc.
Competitions: |
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