(Animal Island)
Developer -
EAD, Nintendo
Publisher -
Nintendo Co., Ltd
NES Version Releases -
Japan 7/12/83
North America 10/85
Famicon Disk System 2/21/86
Baseball is exactly that, a fairly simplistic Baseball game. When on offense, try to hit the ball to score a run or at least make it to a base. When on defense try to catch the ball and prevent your opponent form scoring.
Offense -
Control Stick - Choose ball, chose base to throw ball too.
A Button - Pitch, throw.
B Button - Check runner.
Defence -
Control Stick - Move batter, run bases.
A Button - Swing, return to base.
B Button - Steal, advance to base.
Developer -
EAD, Nintendo
Publisher -
Nintendo Co., Ltd
NES Version Releases -
Japan 11/30/84
North America 10/85
Race your bike down the track and try to get the best time. Avoid obstacles along the way, and get air off the ramps. Try to land on both wheels at the same time so that you don't whip out.
Control Stick - Move up or down, adjust bike while in air.
A Button - Accelerate.
B Button - Turbo.
Developer -
EAD, Nintendo
Publisher -
Nintendo Co., Ltd
NES Version Releases -
Japan 5/01/84
North America 10/85
Famicon Disk System 2/21/86
A basic, although not especial great golf game. Try your best to get your ball into the hole with the least amount of strokes.
Control Stick - Select club, aim shot.
A Button - Swing.
(Animal Crossing website)
Developer -
EAD, Nintendo
Publisher -
Nintendo Co., Ltd
NES Version Releases -
Japan 5/09/85
Famicon Disk System 2/21/86
North America 3/87
Soccer, because Nintendo thinks of such original names, is a simplistic soccer game. The goal is to get the ball into your opponents goal with-out them getting it in your own. The player with the highest score when the clock times out wins.
Control Stick - Move.
A Button - Shoot.
B Button - Pass.
Developer -
EAD, Nintendo
Publisher -
Nintendo Co., Ltd
NES Version Releases -
Japan 1/14/84
North America 10/85
Famicon Disk System 2/21/86
Another self named sports game, Tennis plays like you would expect. Hit the ball over the net and hope your opponent doesn't. Try to hit the ball onto the side of the court that your opponent isn't on.
Control Stick - Move.
A Button - Serve hard, swing.
B Button - Lob.
© 2003 - 2004 Daniel Whiteman. Site Design and coding by Little Green Men Studios.net.
Do not use any images, articles, or any other orginal work posted on The Animal Forest with out permision.
Animal Crossing and all related games and characters are registered trade marks of Nintendo Co., Ltd.
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