There are 2 games that only appeared in the Japanese versions of Animal Crossing, Gomoku Narabe and Mahjong. They were replaced by Excitebike and Soccer in the US and PAL versions.
Gomoku Narabe
Developer -
EAD, Nintendo
Publisher -
Nintendo Co., Ltd
NES Version Releases -
Japan 8/27/83
Gomoku Narabe was bassed off the popular Japanese board game of the same name. The gameplay is similar to tic-tak-toe.
Developer -
EAD, Nintendo
Publisher -
Nintendo Co., Ltd
NES Version Releases -
Japan 8/27/83
Famicon Disk System 2/21/86
Mahjong is bassed off of a Japanese varitaion of the Chinese pannel game (also known as Reach Mahjong).
Thanks to the Nintendo Database.