Zoda's Revenge » Characters
Chapters:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

Chapter 1 Characters
Michael Jones    
Always refered to as Mike in the game, he is a 16 year old ace pitcher from the wonderful city of Seattle. He is the nephew of Dr. Steve Jones, and has battled with the evil space invader Zoda. In doing so, he rescued children from a far away planet. Zoda has returned, so now he has to protect these children while traveling through time to collect the Tetrads.

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Mica is the leader of the Argonian Children(in which Mike rescued in StarTropics). She can and will communicate with you(Mike) telepathically throughout the game.

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Dr. Steve Jones    
Dr. Steve Jone's is Mike's uncle, and has returned to Seattle from C-Island to research the meaning of the Space Children's Ship's Ciphers.

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